Hi Folks I have an issue with my gtablet and flash

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Dec 23, 2010
Hi Folks,

I really like my viewsonic gpad I sort of bought it on a whim and surprise I use this little puppy all time.

However I have a reoccurring issue concerning the pad trying to load up Flash 10 (something). I have followed the instructions concerning loading the driver into appropriate folder. The the flash driver shows being in the apk folder.

What I get it is that it momentarily loads then blanks out and reloads the home page. When I am on the web and there are any flash components on the page it goes through the same sequence trys to load then blanks out and reverts to the home page.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions ... Thank-You

Hi Steve! I'm new with the gtablet also. One thing I have found out is sometimes I need to download to a computer, hook up he USB cable and copy hat file onto the tablet. Only then does it seem to pick it up. It just doesn't always read it straight from the tablet.

I have also found that when trying to read a thumb drive in the full USB port, the drive has to be formatted in Fat32 format. It doesn't read otherwise. I still can't get it to play hose mp3s but it does see it now!!!

Good luck!
Try the flash 10.0.1 API from the viewsonic section at xda-developers.com
Hey Thanks again I have had no success. I reloaded the flash driver as recommended directly from my computer, I have the same results. I tried to access flash 10.0.1 API from the viewsonic section at xda-developers.com and couldn't navigate this site and or when i used the search criteria I received nothing for "flash 10.0.1 API" I tried a general search on the web and also received nothing. Sorry for being a newbie (a wannabe ex windows user)

Thanks in advance

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