Hi from me


Jan 20, 2012
Hi guys. Found my way here while doing some research into zenithink tablets. I'm about to order my first tablet, I know my way around windows based systems but am doing a crash course in android, I hope to keep the painfully noob questions to a minimum :p
Android is a pretty steep learning curve, believe me! the section you'll probably need is this: Zenithink Tablets the concensus at the moment seems to be that the Zenithink C91 Capacitive with ICS is the bee's knees! When Spider gets here he'll probably welcome you officially!
They look like really handy little devices and I am impressed with the amount of forum resources for them. I've posted in the zenithink section asking for suggestions about options for mobile broadband, not sure which way to go. My head was almost vibrating last night with the amount of new stuff I shoved in and that was just 3g dongles and zenithinks! Luckily Prof. Google is always happy to teach me all about android :)
I must confess that I think the MiFi option is the way to go, unless your phone can be used as a hotspot.
I hate phones so I only have a nokia brick so would have to buy a phone to use as a hotspot anyway. Mifi does seem the best way to go from what I've seen.
i just bought a used zte 180 i have had a hard time working out coming form more than 20 years of microsoft system operations noy to say windows. first of all what attracted me was 3g conection to internet with a usb modem. alas, it has to be a special one here in mexico for wcdma. next was that up to now, the resistive thouch screen became a resistive problem i cannot solve. it doesnt obey my touch anymore .. im accesing with a mouse.
next i looked for a vmware to manage my tablet like a windows tablet and again.. wrong call i cant install. i regret i bought this but still trying to overcome the obstacles. now, based in my experience, i would recommend to stay with windows 7 or 8 tablets if you already how to handle them
I know my way around windows based systems but am doing a crash course in android

Hi Gorillagirl, welcome to Android Tablets. Nice to have you here as a member of the forum. There's a lot of beginner with Android information in the "Sticky" threads at the start of the Android Tablet Q&A section you might want to add to your "crash course in Android". There's also a helpful guide to using your tablet for the first time that hopefully will come in handy soon.:eek:
Oh don't worry, I've been making my way through all the beginner threads, I won't be turning it on till I have made my own user guide from the info here. That was one of the reasons I decided on the zenithink, there is so much support here that I felt confident that it would not be a paper weight.
Good for you, I wish there were more folks like you who looked before they leaped.:cool:
To be honest mpine if I had the money I would have gone Samsung with 3g but I can't justify the cost just yet as a tablet is a bit of a luxury since I already have a PC, lappie and kindle. So out of the cheapies I think these are the best I've read about and I'm going to forget anything I've learned on windows based systems and treat it like a new species.
Well I jumped ship from Zenithink to Samsung. Had the chance to buy a good GT P1000 so bought that. Now have 3G and wifi all working, just getting through the user manual to learn all the things I need to know. I LOVE it!!
Congratulations, the Samsung seemed to be what you really wanted all along. Glad to hear you love it. Enjoy your new tablet and the forum.