Hi, I'm New Here!


Dec 12, 2012
Hi everyone, I'm relatively new to Tablets and Android. I've generally tried to avoid using anything other than OSX or Linux (Ubuntu or Debian); learning new OS's I find a headache and almost on par with learning a new language.

For this reason I decided to invest in a (very) budget Neuropad Infinity which runs Android 4.0.4 (not sure if that's the latest version or what but that's what it runs) to learn the ropes and get my head around using this new influx of portable technology. I've been impressed so far with what appears to be a very tidy little budget device.

I'm from Bedfordshire in England.

Welcome to AT, we hope you will enjoy been a member here :D
Hi Chortles, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new Neuropad. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. To get started, I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android. Nice to hear you're pleased with the new tablet so far. Enjoy your tablet and the forum!