How to delete photos that uploaded automatically to the default Gallery App ??


Feb 24, 2013
But how do I delete photos in the Asus Gallery App
Via the Auto Sync to my Gmail account..

It uploaded all my G+ photos... I was able to delete photos I added... but not photos that where added by the tablet..
And I don't what directory the "Gallery" App images are stored in either.

If I disable my Gmail Sync, I get no email from that account.

What Folder are the "Gallery" photos in?
Then I can delete from there.

Tablet I use is to the left in my Info Box.
Seriously... I can't delete the photo automatically uploaded to the Gallery on my tablet....

Anyone ?
I don't totally understand the "uploaded to my gallery" part as nothing is uploaded to the gallery. They are not the real images either but rather like shortcut thumbnails so they aren't taking up much space. The photos may also be somewhere else on your tablet and the gallery is picking them up. If you install QuickPic it will find them. If it doesn't then install an app called Rescan Media and see if that clears it up.
When I went through my new tablet start up dialogs, I wound with over 130 images in the pre-installed gallery app the pre-installed camera app uses to store images.
These are images on my G+ account... the images I uploaded to share on G+

Yet, I can't find what folder there are remove them.

I don't "store" personal images on my devices.... My devices can access the web for that.
I was able to delete thumbnails... but not the images them selves.....
As I mentioned, QuickPic will find the images that are on your tablet. Any Picassa or G+ images are going to be cached in the Gallery. But they are only the thumbnails. Not certain I have answered the question yet.
I deleted all my G+ photos on line, now I have a blank place holder for a non-extant image on line...arggggg

I think I have download a different Gallery app and not use the built in gallery app......
Found it, I think :D Sorta... but too late though :(

Under Settings on my Tablet:

PERSONAL/Accounts & Sync/ -- UN-CHECK ---- Sync with 1] Google Photos, 2] Instant Upload, 3] Picasa Web Albums

But, this should have been UN-CHECKED During set-up of the Tablet... because I still have blank place holders with a refresh..

Trying a Hard ReBoot of the tablet to see if that will clear that mysterious Cache for the Blank place holders. ..... after a hard reboot.... No luck.... I still have blank place holders
I'm not clear, (just a tad dense today), what the blank place holders are.
images place holders that WHERE synced to my G+ Photos, and had photos at first in those spots but, after I deleted the photos on G+ .. and after refreshing the albums, the place holders are still intact !!

It is like a Blank space for a photo, with the date under it.

I have since then, UNCHECKED the G+/Picasa Photo Sync option on my Asus 700 Tablet. So, when I post a photo on G+, It stays on G+ only. No Sync... they way I want it.
I would run the Rescan Media that I suggested, then do a hard reset using the directions in the link in my signature.
I would run the Rescan Media that I suggested, then do a hard reset using the directions in the link in my signature.

I loaded that program... no start button? Does it run when it wants to? Odd thinking on the developers part IMO.

I'll check in a few hours to see what happened..
I loaded that program... no start button? Does it run when it wants to? Odd thinking on the developers part IMO.

I'll check in a few hours to see what happened..

You should find it in the app drawer. It runs only when you tell it to run but it goes by pretty fast.
I run the program by pushing on the ICON, it opens and just says "scanning will complete automatically.. you may close this app"
And a "Preferences" bar that has one option "Auto Quit"

That's it....

no indication that the scan took place.