How to properly shutdown epad?


Dec 13, 2010
Newbie question: how do I properly shutdown my android 2.1 epad? If I hold the power button for only a few seconds, it goes to a blank screen but the blue light stays on, which I believe is just sleep mode. I don't get the little popup screen asking if I want to shutdown the device.
So the only way I know to shutdown is to hold the on/off button for 10 seconds. Am I doing it the wrong way?
Thanks for the help.
On the zt-180 you just need to press it and let go to see the shutdown window. Usually when you hold the button down it causes a reboot
On the zt-180 you just need to press it and let go to see the shutdown window. Usually when you hold the button down it causes a reboot
I tried just pressing it quickly and the same thing happens. The only thing in my settings that I have changed is I put SleepMode at Never, but I doubt that has any cosequence.
I found one other way to get the shutdown screen, I use the padlock icon on top near the time, I either get the sleep mode, but if i flick the icon right, then I finally get the popup screen to shutdown the device.
well on my unit i have the timeout set at 10 minutes. so you can experiment with that.

firmware: 20101020
processor: armv6-compatible processor rev 5 (v6l)
well on my unit i have the timeout set at 10 minutes. so you can experiment with that.

firmware: 20101020
processor: armv6-compatible processor rev 5 (v6l)
I can try that but I believe the timeout will just put it to sleepmode.