Hurry up with the honeycomb update.... update!!!

What specifically do you want the HC update to address?

I've got a list at:

Basically they are:

1. Update the Adobe Flash Player to work with the Android Broswer the way it used to work with the Android Browser. In short Flash player objects can bleed through pages and taps are ignored way too often.

2. Give us some way to re-enable the buttons in the bezel for two of the four screen rotations. For a Gingerbread tablet the 1024x768 was just right for a Honeycomb tablet the 1024x695 is too small.

3. Put the WiFi back the way it was so I can connect to all the networks I used to connect to.

4. Do something about it crashing so much especially when you are using the Settings.

FYI I plan to document all the above on a webite and a youtube site.

The worst part of the Honeycrud update is there is no way to go back to Gingerbread while Vizio is still getting their Honeycomb update ready for Prime Time.

But all is not lost because there were a few improvments like:

1. It now works with some bluetooth mice but not all and only one of the buttons work.

2. There have been a few improvments in the Android browser when it doesn't crash. One place in particular is I can use it to view a webcam on a phone running PAW.

Too bad I can't think of any more right now.
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Guess I have not run into the flash issue yet.And I do miss the bezel buttons, but its not a deal killer. And I have not had any problems at all with the wifi or crashing.
It does sound like your tablet does have some issues and I hope that you do get them solved.
Nimble1 said:
Guess I have not run into the flash issue yet.

As long as you don't try to stop and restart videos you might never run into a problem with the wrong version of the flash player.

And then all you have to do is tap on then tap off meaning before you tap on a video be sure to tap off the video. Vizio should have caught that quirk themselves since they knew they did not upgrade the flash player when they upgraded the OS.
Wow, sorry you are having problems, the Honeycomb update made my Vtab like a brand new tablet, in a good way, very few issues here.
For me it's all about the bezel buttons. They were the reason I chose this tablet over all the others last Black Friday. I actually bought an Acer A100 at BestBuy the same day for the same price but chose to keep the Vizio for myself. I have been furious since this totally unrequested, irreversible "upgrade" to the point that although I like almost everything else about the tablet and the upgrade and easily corrected any other glitches, I rarely pick it up or use it anymore. Just as I would be angry if I went out and found that Toyota had been in my garage and changed out the rims on my truck and then just said "It was a design decision, sorry, can't be undone". Just turning it on irritates me because it momentarily flashes them. Do they do this type of thing with their TV's as well? Just disabling buttons/options? The tablet will most likely become a spare remote control/alarm clock in my guest room which now will not be getting that Vizio flat screen TV.
Awww, come on folks!
You bought the Vizio at a great price and when people were complaining about the SD card use and a few other issues..Vizio came through and made a major upgrade. Sure its has some things that might annoy a few but to write off the whole company because of the bezel buttons...that's a little childish.
Sorry, if that offends anyone but it needed to be said.
Its a great tablet for the price and the TV's are good values also...or you can buy an IPad and Sony TV's for more than double the price.
Nimble1 said:
Vizio came through and made a major upgrade. Sure its has some things that might annoy a few but to write off the whole company because of the bezel buttons...

The fact Vizio is unable to deal with their software issues is very upsetting.

All Vizio needs to see the problems I've found with their Honeycrud update is an HC tablet with an Internet connection and nobody at Vizio has one anymore. In other words they are basically saying screw the people that use the Adobe Flash Player and their excuses for not looking into the Adobe Flash Player problems first hand do not cut it.

When I first found the problem with the Adobe Flash Player over a month ago I was told I have to start using the youtube app even though not all the videos with problems are youtube videos.

Then they tell me stuff like I'm the only one to complain about the Flash Player when post on this site show someone else complaining about it days before I ever let Vizio screw up this tablet with their HC update that uses a GB Flash player.

Vizio should either get us an update for their update or let us go back to GB while they are still working on their Adobe Flash Player bugs.

And the fact the tablet has buttons in the bezel means it will always be a Gingerbread Tablet because it was designed for Gingebread. Meaning the VTAB1008 is a Gingerbread tablet with an unnecessary Honeycomb update.

Sent from my xGB VTAB1008 using Android Tablet
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jrscarab said:
For me it's all about the bezel buttons.

Yes the bezel bottons were a good idea on Vizio's part and so was the 1024x768 screen and the flash player but all three of those would both be thrown out with their so called "required update".

And it is like Vizio going into my garage then putting a cheap radio in my car where it takes two taps to do what could be done with one tap before and putting a great big sticker on the windshield that gives you less room to see out.

Sent from my xGB VTAB1008 using Android Tablet
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I'm sorry but I'm a little tired of hearing about how I should be soooo grateful to Vizio for allowing me to purchase "such a great tablet at such a great price". Pffft Please! I should also be thankful for all of the things that do still work or work better now since they so graciously allowed me to experience Honeycomb yadayada etc. etc. I am highly technically inclined and had no problem working out any difficulties working with the SD card, or wireless or any software related issues I had with this device as it was out of the box. I enjoyed the tablet as it was when I chose it and I spent some time comparing models before choosing this one for the field specifically because I liked the design (including the rotating bezel buttons) and because it was cheap enough that I wouldn't freak out if it was lost, stolen or dropped. It was cheap because it is an older, slower single core processor, that is all. I resent the arrogance of, and could never again quite trust the products of a company that feels free to reach out and alter the hardware function of a device that I paid good money for and then in effect tell me it's 'too bad if I don't like it'. You are right though, I could and I guess I will be using another tablet and continue watching/buying Samsung TV's. It really is too bad because I was new to but actually quite enthusiastic about Vizio for the four months prior to this 'upgrade'.
The bezel buttons are a legitimate gripe but it doesn't have anything to do with GB vs. HC. This is purely a choice by Vizio to go with software buttons and I agree it is a bad one in this case. They should correct this with an update in my opinion but I don't believe that update should be at the immediate demands of the users. A reasonable amount of time would be fine (reasonable being within a couple of months).

Any issue with Flash, the browser or any other app has nothing to do with Vizio. If you want those problems solved go to the developer of those apps. Vizio can't fix those even if they wanted to. To use the analogy above that is like complaining to the auto manufacture for the music a radio station is playing. One has nothing to do with the other.
J515OP said:
Any issue with Flash, the browser or any other app has nothing to do with Vizio.

Vizio knew they were giving us HC with a GB flash player and they should have caught the problems people found with the flash player before it went to the consumer. But no, none of the people at Vizio that tested HC were told to look for problems with the GB flash player.

And they should have given us a way to go back to fully functional software after finding out their HC update is more of a virus than an update.

You keep trying to stick up for Vizio but you are not one of the people burned by Vizio's virus/update since you are still running GB.

Sent from my X-GB VTAB1008 using Android Tablet
Roger, Vizio can know all they want that Adobe Flash doesn't work with Honeycomb they don't have a responsibility to fix it. Honeycomb has been out for a long time and it is purely Adobe's fault if they haven't made a version of Flash that works with Honeycomb. You can try and say that Vizio shouldn't update to Honeycomb if they know Flash doesn't work with HC but that is ridiculous. Why should Vizio be subject to Adobe's whims? I am not sticking up for Vizio but you need to put the blame where the blame lies. Vizio is one of dozens of companies running Honeycomb. Those companies shouldn't have to hold back their use of Honeycomb because Adobe or any other app developer hasn't made their app compatible with that version of Android.

Android isn't hostage to the apps, the developers of the apps need to get with the program and make sure they are compatible with any and all versions of Android. If they don't they can suffer the consequences. Placing the blame on Android or any hardware maker for the shortcomings of developers is simply wrong. Why spend so much time trying to go through Vizio instead of applying the same zeal to Adobe? How is it you justify giving them a pass on the incompatibility of Flash on the Vtab or any other Honeycomb tablet?
Vizio can know all they want that Adobe Flash doesn't work with Honeycomb they don't have a responsibility to fix it.

Wait a second. It is not Adobe vs Honeycomb because Adobe already has a version of their player that works with Honeycomb and ICS.

The real issue is that the Vizio Tablet has a single core processor and Adobe has rules about how fast processors have to be to run with certain screen sizes. I learned that because I have a COMTIVA tablet that is too underpowered for the Adobe Flash Player.

The fact is, we might not ever see Adobe release a version of their player that is optimized for the Adroid Browser on the VTAB1008 because of the slow single core processor on the Vizio Tablet and because of that Vizio should allow their costomers to stay with a version of software that is still compatible with Adobe and their Tablet. In other words instead of making us wait for what could be forever for Adobe they should alow us to stay with GB or go back to GB.

Now for the good news. I finally got through to one of the bigger shots at Vizio today and he has seen two of the issues I have with the Flash player and he even gave me a phone number to call the next time I try to connect to the WiFi network that keeps giving me an incorrect password error. So, after all my fussing with Vizio I finally got to talk to someone that might forward the problems I've seen to the Vizio engineers. In other words after over a month of going nowhere with Vizio I finally feel like I got somewhere. I'll keep you posted on what they find out about the "Incorrect Password" issue.
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