I have a dream, a modest dream!!


Dec 21, 2010
Project: The School on the Rock (the 3rd rock--Earth)
here is the brief:

Server farm set up by the government would house the entire curriculum of text books and study materials from grade 1 to university on the internet.

·Groups of teacher would be on line per course (example: 24 teachers for grade 5 Malaysian History on line for one hour a day to provide consultation/tutorial to students regarding the subject 24/7).

Lectures can be prepared and recorded as Video files.
·Text books will never be a dead printing volume, but would be alive with hyper-link material; be it a video to the birth of a whale in biology class, reciting of poetry, hear Mr. King's speech or the biography of Mr. Tudeau in a Canadian History lesson, it is possible.

All students can use these tablets or any internet connected devices as their electronic text book and research tool.
*Schools or (some community center in poor region) can be equipped with wifi spot for student to download text books and study material. Regions without qualified teachers can just use a teacher's aid to help student and get advise from the teachers at large.

Technically all this can be done and relatively inexpensive, if enough countries are doing the same thing, we would have a School on the Rock, a grade six student from Malaysia can take class of grade five Canadian History, or a grade 5 student from Barrie, ON can take class of grade 1 Chinese study etc.

I had tried to convince a local school board to start a pilot project for one hundred students, but the entrenched bureaucracy had make it impossible to do anything.

All it takes is a little imagination, some seed money and desire to givea new tool to the children and others who want to learn and be educated, and to till the pane of information have-nots to a more even keel. Then the problem would be, education may not be the best solution to some in our little planet......!!!

Join me to take the first crack on the Rock!
While I applaud your idea and creative can-do attitude, there is a reason we don't do things like this between one country and another. All countries have a list of technologies they are forbidden to give to another nation. The U.S. in particular has a very long list, some of this stuff seems a little out of date and odd to still be on this list, but it is there none the less. The original idea was to keep things like missile technology out of the hands of certain countries deemed potentially threatening to the U.S and its allies. The link below gives an overview of the rules and guidlines. You would be surprised at some of the stuff restricted from export. So, again, while I like your idea, that is the reason you were given the blank stare by your local schoolboard. It would be too easy for someone to use all that information to cause a lot of suffering.

Export Control Basics (Exporting 101)
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... All countries have a list of technologies they are forbidden to give to another nation. The U.S. in particular has a very long list, some of this stuff seems a little out of date and odd to still be on this list, but it is there none the less. The original idea was to keep things like missile technology out of the hands of certain countries deemed potentially threatening to the U.S and its allies. The link below gives an overview of the rules and guidlines. You would be surprised at some of the stuff restricted from export. So, again, while I like your idea, that is the reason you were given the blank stare by your local schoolboard. It would be too easy for someone to use all that information to cause a lot of suffering.

Export Control Basics (Exporting 101)

What I really aiming at is basic education, to the have-nots, I just update the wikispaces site with the frame work there, have a peek

We are too comfortable or too busy to do something for our fellow earthlings, the 20th century mentality of Countries and border is really due for a serious review and reflection.