I need help deciding which of these to buy..


Sep 21, 2010
Okay, a little background; I am a 62 yo grandma that wants a tablet. I have been looking at them since last Aug. I decide on one, then I read that I should wait because the market is going to be flooded with tablets around Christmas. So far this still hasn't happened. I also read that if I am not "techy" I should go for one that has the best chance of working "right out of the box". I am definately not, so I don't want to be trying to root the system, etc. As of today these are my top contenders;
Herotab MID816 8" Android 2.2 Flash 10.1 1.2GHz Gsensor HDMI (from Merimobiles $240 + shipping from China) I believe it is supposed to have a Samsung based processor?
Witstech A81E 7" Gsensor Android 2.2 800GHz Flash 10.1 (from Merimobiles $190 + shipping from China)
Archos 70 7" Android 2.2 (looking for reasonable price but looks like around $300)
I would just like to know what peoples feelings are on these tablets. I would feel more comfortable buying from US, but definately can not afford the ipad.