Insufficient Space on External Storage


Junior Member
Aug 14, 2014
I recently bought a 7" android tablet 4.2 pc and when try to down load a game from the google play store it says isufficient space on external storage...i have a sd card in it and it still says that
The MicroSD has nothing to do with apps as its only purpose is to store your pictures and music. The external storage referred to is actually part of the device's internal memory but called external as it is external to the system space on these devices.

Confusing? Yep.

The error here is pretty self-expanatory. If you have other games on the tablet, they've likely taken up all the space. Uninstall the ones you don't play on a regular basis and try again.
Ive tried all that ive even tried a factory reboot and it still says insuffiecient space on external storage