Introducing me


Mar 13, 2011
I've just registered for androidtablets. I own two NOOKcolor devices, both rooted, and I'm a newbie to the world of Android. I teach a course named Introduction to Computers and Computer Applications at a community college, and I've been dealing with personal computers for about thirty years. My home network hosts five WinTel computers, one of which dual-boots Linux (Linux Mint) and XP. I've got two computer running XP, two running Vista varieties, and one running Win7. I've joined this community because I want to learn about dealing with Android, and in particular, working with Android as intended for phones and Android for tablets. My and my wife's phones are Sumsung Intercepts, so I see both worlds. I hope I can become a good contributor to this site as I learn the ropes.
I am entirely new to the android world having purchased an S7 Ideos tablet running 2.1. I am retired with a great deal of time on my hands. I run a desktop with Ultimate Edition 2.8 linux and 2 laptops running linux mint 8.0 and FreeBSD. I would love to delve into the inner workings of android (just d/l the SDK from Google) and plan to pick up a Motorola Xoom next month. I am glad I found this site and hope it to be a learning experience. Thanks for the tips. Moshe
Hi there trippap and moshe5368... both of you welcome to the website and we appreciate you both contributing :)