Just another tablet choosing help question :)


Sep 3, 2010
Am a newbie when comes to Android. Never ever even had a hands on any android device before. But a linux expert and technically very sound.

Recently got into the android tablet frenzy and want to buy a tablet. Found this great forum and got to know about the various devices and their specs

Then took the plunge and ordered this ,a generic E7002/M701 . But the seller now says he can't ship it anytime before the 15th.

Meanwhile, I also found good deals for the generic ZT180 in the same price range (+$10). I also learn there is only ARM processor inside these from the threads here.

For me, the screen size does not matter. My usage is pretty simple at this point. Some casual reading/browsing, view photos, installing a few apps like the XBMC app to control my media center and some casual gaming. But I would love the interface to be smooth and responsive, screen clear and crisp,and the system less buggy. I also would not want upgrade or change the tablet for at least several months.

This being the case, what would you guys suggest.

a) Wait or order the E7002/M701 from another seller OR
b) Get the ZT180

Any comments would be greatly appreciated
If by "not upgrading" you mean not even flash a new ROM than I am afraid the only tablet for you may be the new Samsung Galaxy Tab.
The E7002 may get an upgrade to Android 2.2 in the near future, but we can't be sure. I recommend a 7" Android tablet right now since Android 2.2 does not work really that good on bigger screens mostly because resolutions above 800x600 are not officially supported. If you want a tablet with Android 2.2 right out of the box then the Wits A81 is a good choice...and the tablet's in the wild for some time now and people are ussualy satisfied with it.
I made a small page with different Shanzai tablet...you may want to look at it: Android Tablet Comparison
Than it's simple. If you want GPS, Android 2.2 and Flash out of the box than Wits A81E
If you don't want GPS and are wiling to upgrade the ROM (when and if) it gets released, than E7001 is nice..and it has 2 point touch AND G-Sensor (accelerometer).
Went ahead and got the e7002 on the 8th. Just got an update from ups that it has been delivered home. Waiting to get back home and check it out :)
Joy turned into shock when i opened the package. The screen was shattered. I have just messaged the seller in aliexpress. Dont know what will happen. Anybody any experience with aliexpress before, who've ordered and received defective or broken good? Do they send a replacement? Package was shipped via UPS express

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