Leaving OEM screen protector on?


Nov 29, 2010
Since I couldn't find a suitable screen protector, I left on the one that came with the unit...been 2 weeks now. Anyone see any problems with leaving it on indefinitely?
There isn't a problem...but eventually it will come off. I still have the OEM screen protector on on my tablet but it is starting to get dirty on the corners and does not stick very well. Have to be careful if I don't want it off.
Saw someone posted that the screen protector for the Nook Color fits perfect and you get two for 16.95.
Yes, that was me - they are a perfect fit (about 1/16" overlap on all four sides) and antiglare and very sturdy (I don't work for BN). Can get in store or online at nook.com
That's an issue for me, as it seems I'm the only S7 owner in Central America...will have to get an iPad screen protector and cut it...

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Can't believe that there's no BN in your corner of the world but you maybe able to order from their website
What about those "Zagg Invisible SHIELD" screen protectors that Best Buy was selling? They are specifically sized for the S7.

ADDED LINK: Zagg Invisible Shield for Huawei S7

Lastly, I don't see anything wrong with keeping the manufacturer screen protector on it. If it starts peeling up from the edges just use a tiny piece of clear tape to hold the edges down. ;)
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I've had the Zagg - in addition to being incredibly expensive, the result in a "draggy" surface, i.e., friction that isn't good when you have a resistive screen
Agreed, and over time it collects dirt that are hard to remove
I orders 2 ipad screen protectors from DCMUGEN ebay. It will be troublesome to cut since I aim for perfection

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Tapatalk
I returned a archos 7, because the touch was not responsive, found out it was because of the screen protector, I traded it for this great s7 and the screen protectors I couldnt return from the archos fit perfectly on the s7, and no problem with the touch sensitivity like i had with the archos.
Mine I also brought on best buy, swme price, is the 'invisible sheild'

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
The one I purchased for the S7 was the ZAGG Invisible Shield. It was hanging next to the display at Best Buy. It was $24.99 + $8.00 installed. It is made specifically for the S7. There is some resistance with my home made stylus but I got used to how much pressure to use pretty quick.
