Looking for a 7-8" Android Tablet


Apr 18, 2011
Hello all - first time here on the forum.

Hopefully someone can help me here. I originally posted in the designated thread for assistance with purchase decisions, but no-one replied - so I thought I should post a dedicated thread, if that's alright. I've been looking for an Andriod Tablet for a while, ever since I played with a Galaxy Tab at Wireless Etc. The open file structure, Flash support, good design, expandable memory and overall very high levels of flexibility are very impressive. I own an iPod Touch at the moment, and are selling it (around $300) to raise cash for my new Tablet purchase.

I'm located in Canada, and have access to products in the US. Basically no-holds barred as regards the geography. :cool: I have a pretty good knowledge of file systems, the Andriod OS, but nothing too deep. But I don't get overwhelmed easily. I also (for the most part) completely understand the hardware side.

Now, I said I played with the Galaxy Tab and really liked it so far, but I am by no means limiting myself to the GTab. From what I've seen so far, plenty of new Andriod tablets have been coming out in the last while, and Honeycomb and the Tegra 2 seem quite appealing - things the GTab either cannot or will not have. Its going to get outdated pretty soon in the Tablet world. I want an Andriod tablet, of course; that's why I'm here. ;) I'm have a fair list of what I'm looking for, shown below.

Tegra 2 (Or comparable) Dual Core CPU,
7-8" Form Factor,
1GB of RAM,
~16GB of internal storage,
True GPS Chip (No Internet Required),
(Starting to get a bit demanding here :cool:),
Support for new Firmware (i.e Honeycomb)
Expandable Memory (Micro SD sounds about right),
Wi-Fi (3G or 4G connectivity is no concern to me),
Camera (Dual Camera's would be nice),
Multi-Touch Capacitive (shouldn't be too hard ;)),
~1024x600 Screen Resoultion,

It would be nice to also have a real USB port (not proprietary, like the GTab), but its not required. Honeycomb support, though is pretty much required. ;) Doesn't have to be stock, though - I just don't want to buy a tablet that doesn't even support an OS that's out now, nevermind any to come in the future. Would be a bit a of a waste.

The 7" form factor, too, of the GTab felt perfect in my hands - however I haven't seen many tablets in that form factor that have anything close to this in my price range. It's a bit strange, since the GTab has most of the things here except for the Tegra 2 and Honeycomb. A small jump (well, fairly small) jump in specs shouldn't cost too much more, right? Everyone seems to say that the Galaxy Tab Wi-Fi Only is a rip-off. "Too-little too late", they say; that there are other tablets that are much better for a similar price. It's like they're right in front of me - but I can't seem to find any of these! Am I missing something here? :confused:

It seems to me that there are plenty of new tablets coming around (the Transformer is real nice), but not many in my form factor. Other than the Iconia, that is (which is too far out of my price range). My price range is anywhere from $300-$400 - hopefully I can find something in that range. I am also willing to wait for a while. I understand that the tablet market is getting bigger and bigger all the time, almost nearing a boom.

Can anyone help me out here? Thanks in advance!
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From what I'm seeing you want a really top-of-the-line tablet. In that case, I would recommend the Motorola Xoom, but it's screen is 10.1 inches, larger than your 7-8 inches that you want. It has 32 GB internal storage and Android 3.0 Honeycomb too. If you're willing to fork out $600 for the Wi-Fi only version then go with that.
Hmm...thanks for your help, thek135. I'll consider it, but if anything I think I'd go with the Transformer 10", since it has almost everything that I want in it as well. I think I'm also going to wait out the market a bit, see how the 7-8" area expands.
Just took a quick glance at the A100; it looks pretty reasonable. Contains basically everything I want in a tablet including the MSD slot, Tegra 2 CPU, and Honeycomb. The price looks okay, too.
Looks promising. Thanks for the reference, griffstert.