Looking for an Android version of the iPad Mini (8" tablet)


Mar 24, 2013

I am looking to purchase an 8" Android Tablet. I bought previously a Nexus 7 but it was too small and too close to my Samsung Galaxy S3 (almost 5"). As it's to be used mainly while commuting, I am not looking for something bigger than 8".

My requirements:
* Good IPS screen
* Reasonably quick CPU
* Reasonable battery life (7-8 hours)
* Bluetooth
* Jelly Bean and Google Play store
* Ideally, charging through micro USB
* Budget: less than £150 / $180
* Slim and light
* Micro SD card slot

Basically, I am looking for an Android version of the iPad Mini.


  • Ployer Momo8 IPS (but poor wifi)
  • Rapid 5 (poor battery)
  • Archos 80 Platinum/Titanium (some crashes, no bluetooth), apparently a rebranding of Onda V811/V812 tablet
  • The upcoming (April) Onda V818

Detailed spec of the V818:
OS: Android 4.1.1
CPU: A31S Quad Core (S version= lower power consumption)
GPU: 8 Core Power VR SGX544
Storage 16GB
Size: 7.9 inch
Display: IPS
Resolution: 1024*768 IPS
Android Market Yes
Micro SD Card: Support TF card up to 32GB extended
WIFI: 802.11b/802.11g / 802.11n
Work Time: Up to 6~8 hours
Battery : Li-Poly 5000mAh
Dimension: 200 mm x 139 mm x 7.5 mm (iPad Mini: 200 mm x 134.7 mm x7.2 mm)
Weight: 339g (iPad Mini: 339g)

The main issue for me is lack of bluetooth...

Am I missing any other tablets?

Welcome to the forum!

I'd wait for the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. It is very powerful, and has some multi-tasking like its big brother.

Scheduled to be out in Q2 of 2013.
Thanks, but the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 is a phone, and will therefore probably cost £450 at least, so about three times my budget!!

I am looking for a wifi tablet that is as good as the iPad Mini, but preferably cheaper (£150).
I think the issue you are going to run into is this: Finding something that is "as good as" the iPad Mini for only about 55% of the cost of the iPad Mini....

My first gut reaction when I saw the thread title was the Nexus7, but that is too small for you.

In order to hit the price point you want, you are going to have to go with a cheap chinese tablet. IMO, this means it will not be "as good as" the iPad Mini. Chances are you will not get any OS updates, and it may not have Google Play market support.

I guess my best idea is to look for a used Galaxy Tab 8.9 (they go for about 200 Quid), but that may be too big for what you are looking for as well.
Unfortunately to get as good as the iPad mini means spending nearly as much as the mini. Likely there will be options such as the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 but Samsung is less interested in undercutting the price and more interested in offering a superior product. Chinese tablets, with a LOT of work and a little luck, may even come close but more likely you will be in for a big disapointment. On the other hand, tinkering with some of these devices might be more rewarding than actually getting anything productive done.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1