Market situation?


Aug 6, 2010
Thinking of picking this up but how has the market situation been addressed so far? I mean officially? Have they provided access to non-Google source in updates? Or is it up to the user to find a work around or another market themselves?
Only the Desire Z seems to fit this, as it is one of the first few phones to ship with 2.2, and the only one with a keyboard as far as I know. As for the features disabled, I can't imagine HTC disabling anything, if it did happen, it would probably be due to the carrier
Only the Desire Z seems to fit this, as it is one of the first few phones to ship with 2.2, and the only one with a keyboard as far as I know. As for the features disabled, I can't imagine HTC disabling anything, if it did happen, it would probably be due to the carrier

Wrong forum I think. lol
