maxwest mss-nb950 wont boot


Nov 4, 2012
hello im new to the tablet repair world but ive done a decent amount of work on pc's (windows based) my aunt bought her daughter a maxwest mss-nb950 a while back as a christmas present. trying to let her have her own computer without breaking the bank. unfortunatley the unit aparently never exsisted or something as i cant find any useful info on it to help me get this thing runnings again. the tablet starts loads the green android guy with some info in the bottom right corner including adroid 2.2 but never boots past. from what ive read and understand its like the os has disappeared so its sitting at a bios screen. however i cant figure out how to enter recovery mode to do a factory reset or find any good info on how to get this unit to allow me to do anything but stare at the android guy. and from what i understand this isnt the best unit ever made but it did work for what this individual needed i just want to make it run again for them. thanks for the help in advance