my tab cannot see the home wifi network, and no one will tall me why.

Aug 14, 2011
ive had my sgt 10.1 for two weeks now, and have conected to home wifi networks, a hotels, cafes, with or without security. i am an american foreign exchange student in berlin germany now, and the home wifi of the family i am living with is for some reason unrecognizable. i can see the networks of all the close neighbors, i have only connected to one of them, but i can not even see the ssid for our home network. ive tried all the obvious and annoying solutions, like a factory reset, and i have a rooted tab. ive seen that the problem isnt that uncommon, but no one has answered anny of our pleas. come on guys.
Check the settings on their router:
Is wireless turned on?
Is it broadcasting the SSID?
Is it broadcasting the signal your tablet can use (b,g.n)?
Sounds like we're back to "Is it broadcasting a signal your tablet can use (b,g.n)?" Looks like your tablet can't process whatever signal the router is broadcasting, but other devices can.

Older routers broadcast B or B/G and some could be set for B or G or B/G. Most newer routers broadcast B/G/N automatically.

Devices progressed from B to B/G to B/G/N, but I've noticed some new devices are G/N only.

If by design or by defect your new tablet is one of those G/N devices, that would be the cause of your problem. Check the router and settings, if it's set for B only set it for B/G. If it only has B, you'll need a newer router.
i understand that can be a solution, but the wifi is capable of b and g broadcasting, ive tried both. ive heard that n doesnt work on galaxy tabs, but that is irrevelant in my case. ive tried other chanels too.
What security are you running on the Tab? Since it works on open networks try changing the security? On my ipad I had to change mine top wpa only and install a static IP address

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hey had same prob, pc, ps3, 3 laptops, 2 mobiles all working fine on the wireless network, switched channel from 13 to 6 and started working immediately

had tried various other things for around an hour, so maybe tab doesnt like channel 13
Do they have Mac address filtering turned on on their router? If I forget to add new devices to the router list of approved devices, I can see the router, put in correct passwords, etc, but doesn't connect. Sometimes whoever manages the router forgets they set that up. Only comes up if they get a new PC or something.

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Android Tablet Forum
Oscartfernandes, i have the same problem. Do you have any further updates?

Undortunately as stated above, this is to do with the TAB in question is a US version, and due to US wireless laws channel 13 is not a legal channel that can e used, so if using in europe the router must be set on channel 11 or below, if set on auto this can work but obviously if it automatically changes to channel 12 or 13 then tab will stop working.

my question is: does anybody know if the US TAB can be changed so i can select channel 13 as i am in europe, as i know with my router when set to US it only allows 11 channel options but when i change location to UK i then get 13 channel option.

the ninja