Need App Suggestions - Batch Resizing and Uploading Pictures While Traveling


Jan 24, 2013
Hello everyone!

I've done some research and couldn't find an answer.

I will be embarking on a year and half long trip around the world and bought a tablet to bring along. I went for the Samsung Galaxy 2 7" specifically because it's small, has a microSD slot and has an OTG adapter that will allow me to copy pictures from the camera (using a card reader) to the tablet and then to the microSD port.

I always like to keep backup but while travelling I have to carry everything I own - I might loose my camera and my backup at the same time. I'd like to be able keep a backup "on the cloud" in case the worst happens.

Hence, I need some suggestions on how to do this:

  1. Be able to batch resize and compress a whole folder of pictures (from 12mp to about 40% of that).Internet in most places will be is incredibly slow, so that will will suffice as a last-resort backup.
  2. Be able to automatically upload the contents of a whole folder once WIFI is available. I have tried Dropbox but it asks me to check file by file. SpiderOak doesn't upload from the tablet app. I don't mind paying for the service/storage.
