Need Help with Huawei Mediapad

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Dec 26, 2013
I apparently screwed up my system worse trying to fix it because I couldn't seem to get anyone to help
(And YES I did try searching the forums and everywhere else too).

But now I've installed CWM and tried to backup my system but apparently there wasn't enough room and the system doesn't like it
because I get like 30 error popups telling me it can't start different things up.
So what I want to do is do a backup, wipe everything, install new firmware and restore my apps if possible.

What folders and files can I delete without affecting the minimal amount needed for CWM to run or touching the backup it makes?

I want to wipe everything else.

Is that possible?
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What is CWM? What is the complete description and specs of the tablet in question?
I think the time to backup your system has come and gone. Sounds like you're trying to backup a screwed up worthless system. It seems to me you'd be better off just doing a factory reset, if you still can, or flashing a replacement ROM.

If you need help doing a reset, you might find help here: If there's no reset procedure specifically for your tablet, try some of the ones there to see if they might work, you won't do any more damage.

I'm also moving your thread to the Huawei MediaPad (10 FHD and 7 Lite) forum, where more folks with that tablet are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
So I wouldn't be able to backup my apps? Because it seems like it's the system that's screwed up.
When it boots up, in between all the error popups I can start ES File Explorer.
Also I did do a backup with Titanium Pro before. I think that's on the internal card though.

I also posted here because the last post in the Huawei forum was in November and I need help sooner than months from now.
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At your request, I've moved this thread back to Q&A.

You "own" those apps and you can D/L them again after you get your system straightened out. The data for the apps would be gone however (High Score, Playlists etc.) and also any personal data you put on the tablet.

If you could run Titanium again and backup to a MSD, then all you'd need to worry about is the other stuff you put on the tablet. Since ES File Explorer is running, you might also try moving the backup of your apps and your files to an MSD.

A reset should not touch the MSD, but remove it to be sure!
Realize I could d/l them again I was just hoping I wouldn't have to set everything up again as well.


When I use CWM should I wipe evrything it'll let me or format?
I should mention that the HWMOD firmware I'm going to put on it is on the sdcard.
The primary storage was set to the sdcard.
I'll have to do it from that because I can't seem to move it to the internal.
I would try to run Titanium again but the tablet won't stay up long enough to backup everything before it reboots itself again.
It took me a half hour just to get about 300mb of files off the internal storage to the external because of the popups and rebooting.

And thanks for moving it back Spider.
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MSD is short for Micro SDcard, or external sdcard. If you can locate the Titanium backup already in internal storage, you might be able to move it to your external sdcard, like you did for the 300mb of files.

As far as CWM wipe/format, I don't know. See if the instructions for flashing the firmware say which, if any, they recommend. The last time I flashed a ROM, I don't recall doing either, but it's been a long time.

Good luck!
Ok. Could someone give me an idea what happened this time?

I tried to install the firmware with CWM. It started then 1 second later it said installation aborted.
So I tried the one from Huawei themselves. Same thing.
I thought maybe because the internal storage didn't have any room at all and was causing my problems.
So I booted up again and tried to deletethings I knew I could from the internal and tried again. Same thing.
Then I booted up again and went to the settings/storage to see exactly how much space there was.
I found that I COULD delete things through there so I got rid of a bunch of stuff.
I also switched the primary to internal again since I was going to follow the suggestion I got on XDA of taking everything off
putting it on my PC and wiping it.
After deleting things through settings and clearing the SDcard except for the firmwares and tried CWM again.
Again installation aborted! I thought to myself DAMNIT! Looked for the problem online.
Saw that sometimes it's caused by the zip not being signed. But I figure the one from Huawei HAS to be.
So I rebooted it normally and while it was booting up it started what looked like re-writing the system, What I think
is called flashing. What I was trying to do.
When it got done and finished booting everything works again except for all the things I deleted.
It popped up a few can't starts messages but only 4 or 5 and it doesn't reboot on it own anymore.
So I tried to clear some more from it and tried CWM again but it still aborted.
I boot up once more and it does the flash thing again. This time when it's finished booting there's NO popups
and still stays running with no rebooting. So I look around the file system and notice there's an and cfg
that I didn't put there. Both files with a zero byte size.
Where di they come from and where did the system find a zip to write from? I didn't have any in the places I've read that it looks for them in.
And it didn't seem to want to use the ones I was trying to use on the sdcard.

Can someone explain to me what MIGHT HAVE occurred?
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