Needing a little help with tethering!

Oct 22, 2012
So, my new (and first) Android tablet arrived yesterday... it's the Ampe A10 Quad Core, which runs Andrid 4.0.4. I'm very happy with it, BUT I don't have wifi at home.
To get internet on both my laptop and my iPod touch I tether them to my phone when needed (through iBluever for the iPod).
I think surely it must be possible to do the same on the tablet, but under the "tethering and portable hotspot" settings menu, it just gives you options for creating a wifi hotspot or usb tethering it to your computer, as you would find in the settings of a smartphone.
So, I'm stumped... how do I tether it to get internet, anyone? xD
Hi TheKakistocracy, congratulations on your new Ampe A10 and welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
Thanks for the suggestion, but it appears that Open Garden is for Android phones. My phone is an old Nokia brick that interestingly, is capable of Bluetooth DUN. o_O