new android user not able to view cerain images? what is rooting? Help please:)


Mar 23, 2012
I am new to the android operating system. what does it mean to root? i am having trouble seeing certain icons and images. i can view my pictures but when i google images they dont show up...i also cant see certain icons for certain games or the "friends""messages" and"notification" icons on facebook. i dont know if i did something to my tablet or if this is a common problem? :eek: please help me ive never had an android before

I'm a newbee also and probably can't help you too much but the first thing you need to do is to put in everything you know or can find out about you android device.

First is it a phone or a tablet or some other device. Android is on a lot of devices and depending on the device they may function differently. In my case I have an android phone and tablet.

Second you need to look at your system settings and find out what version of the operating system you are running. You will hear a lot of different names and numbers on the forums from people who are used to androids but there is Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) and many other along with version numbers. In may case again my tablet is Honeycomb version 3.2.1 so that tells people what I'm running on my tablet. My phone is an older version 2.2 I believe and don't remember the name of that version.

Finally, be specific in your questions. Doesn't guarantee the answers will come but if you are specific it will be a better chance. You said you have trouble seeing certain icons and images? What are the different icons and images. You can have images in a variety of formats so that would be important.

You probably didn't do anything to your tablet but you might not have certain settings correct.

As for rooting, there are a lot of places on this site and others that explain what 'rooting' is but I would leave that until later when you feel more comfortable with the android operating system. I have rooted both of my devices and have found that I like them rooted. Quick answer to what is rooting? Well it is giving you access to everything on your device instead of just what the manufacturer wants you to see.

Hope this helps get your started.