New guy and a Security Certificate Question

K Spud

Feb 6, 2011
Hi all,
I am totally new to Andriod and Nook and have been doing alot of reading here. I got my Nook yesterday and have sucessfully rooted it using the wonderful info on this site. Last night everything worked fine. This morning I updated to 1.1.0 using [ROM] Nook Color V1.1.0 Pre-Rooted [UPDATED to r2] and now I can not open Hotmail from Dolphin or the stock browser. I keep running into a "The name on the site does not match the name on the certificate" error. Any ideas what I should do next.

Once I get that figured out I would like to go to "kernel-1100mhz-omap3630", but am not sure how. I assume I just run the zip same as I did for 1.1.0?

Thanx for your help,

K Spud
hmm.... sounds like a google ssl issue.

Try this:
Open Nook Color Tools > Manage Applications > Dolphin Browser HD > clear cache
Open Dolphin Browser HD > Settings > Data Storage settings: clear cache, clear html5 data
Open stock browser > More options > Settings > Privacy settings: clear cache, clear form data, clear cookies
Thanx for the response. I tried all three then uninstalled Dolphin HD and tried NC tools again. I still get the same message. I do have the e-mail icon set up to my hotmail account and that works fine, I just can not get to the hotmail web page.

I should say that, after I hit the sign in button is when I get the message.

See if the page is "https:www.blahblah blah", then remove the "s" in address. That may work although I'm not too happy with that fix. There is a setting in regular android, which the NC is currently using a modified 2.1 version, where you can change the ssl setting. On a full android OS, it's Menu > Settings > Security: Use secure credentials but I can't find a way to get there on the NC. Still looking for other solutions.
It is trying to go to a "https:www.blahblah blah" site. When I hit continue on the message it kicks me out of the browser so I am having a tough time taking out the s.

FWIW The sign in page does load and that is secure also, but does seem to work correctly.

No problem, we'll find the right solution shortly. I had another option to try on another thread but couldn't find it. Will try to locate ater; out watching superbowl now.

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Sorry, now I have a bigger problem. See my new thread.

Yea I saw, went from barely an issue to a full blown big problem. Should have put the NC down for a bit and watched the superbowl. You now may want to make your way over to Nook technical section.

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Thanx, I got it back to zero. Now to carefully get it where I want it to be.
I am back up and running now and I still have the same issue with the stock browser and Dolphin HD. While I was back to stock I tried the stock browser and it still had the issue, so it probably does not have anything to do with rooting it. It would be nice to figure this out though.

Question: Are you always trying to browse from the same wireless router or hotspot? Such as your house? I ask because it's possible that the issue might not be in the NC at all...
The only place I have tried is at home, I will try some where else tommorow.

Please do, and let me know. Cause it could have something to do with the way the router is configured.
Question: Are you always trying to browse from the same wireless router or hotspot? Such as your house? I ask because it's possible that the issue might not be in the NC at all...

Man... great point. :)

I think Karl has tried everything except throwing the NC out the window at this point.