New to tablets, looking to make a purchase


Oct 7, 2012
I have never owned a tablet before, Im looking to buy my first one and was hoping that someone could give me a few pointers.

I walked in to Best Buy last night and picked a few up and played around with them to get an idea of what I liked. The ones that stood out to me where:
Samsung Note/Tab (Im curious to here if the extra $100 to go from Tab to Note is worth it?)
The Asus T300/T700 (Also a $100 difference between the 2, is the upgrade worth the extra $100?)
I also saw the Nexus 7 online a few places, and is only half the price of the others listed above, is this a case of you get what you pay for, or is it also a great tablet and just cheap because its only a 7 inch?

What do you guys find to be the pros and cons between the 7 and 10 inch screens? Is it strictly the screen size or do you guys find others pros and cons that makes you lean towards 1 size over the other?

Basicly in a nut shell, the Samsung Note really caught my eye, great looking screen, nice speakers on it, and it looked like its loaded with apps, but honestly I dont know much at all about it to know if all of those catchy looking apps on the home screen were nice, or if most were stuff id never use anyway?

On 1 hand this is my first tablet so I hate to spend $500 on it, but on the other hand, I hate to spend $300 and then not be happy and wish I went with one of the $500 ones.

Thank you everyone for your help!
it really depends on what you are looking to do with your new tab. Games and movies tend to lend themselves better to a 16x9 (widescreen) ratio. Using the tab for business tends to work better with the 4x3 format ..i.e., iPad size and/or design.

I first had a 7". it was good, just a bit small for my needs. I went to an 8" 4x3. That helped, but I was not happy till I got to a 9.7" 4x3.. which has proved to be the best all around tab size and ratio for me. It is large enough for business ...opening docs and such, and there is no problem with games or videos.

There might be a reason iPad has stuck with the one type. To me the 10.1" versions are a bit unwieldy. Plus I have read that here is actually more screen real estate with the 9.7 over 10.1.

Back to smaller sizes. They cost less and are more portable. As I said, it depends on what you want it for.

I wish you well.
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I understand your dilemma, I myself am divided between Nexus & and the Samsung Tab 2, on ebay I can pickup one for under $200.00, I am more incline for the Nexus 7
What I really need it if for web browsing and reading reports
good luck
I understand your dilemma, I myself am divided between Nexus & and the Samsung Tab 2, on ebay I can pickup one for under $200.00, I am more incline for the Nexus 7
What I really need it if for web browsing and reading reports
good luck

Sounds like you need a 9.7" :)

Also put into the mix your expertise with computers and a desire to be able to control them. My sis bought a Fire. I was amazed at how much I COULD NOT DO with that tab compared to my rooted Teclast A10t.

I now have an iPad along with the A10t and the iPad is worse at locking you into the parameters Apple has chose. Yes, it is stable ..and I will use it for business ...but the Teclast is still way more fun, way more customizable.

A number of tabs coming soon out of a China are set to compete head on with iPad due to the new Jelly Bean OS. One I have my eyes on will be he new SmartQ Ten4. It will be closer to 300.00 ...probably, but will have so much going for it.

One China tab that is really looking good now at a lower cost is the Pipo M1 & 2. Jelly Bean and a dual core really help here.
Anyone know anything about the XYBoard threw verizon? I originally thought id like to get one threw verizon so I could have internet anywhere, but I guess I could go the hotspot threw my phone to be able to use any tablet anywhere if I needed the internet when I was out and there wasnt free wifi
Bkweibley said:
Anyone know anything about the XYBoard threw verizon? I originally thought id like to get one threw verizon so I could have internet anywhere, but I guess I could go the hotspot threw my phone to be able to use any tablet anywhere if I needed the internet when I was out and there wasnt free wifi

From what I've heard this tablet uses a TI Omap dual core and is not particularly Impressive performance wise. By now, it is probably way behind the current tech.
One thing to keep in mind is that no matter which one you get now, next year's models will be faster, more powerful and cheaper. The same will apply the year after that and the year after that.......:rolleyes: