Newbie Needs help with bricked G Tablet


Dec 26, 2011
Backstory: Bought GTablet, found directions here to install Honeycomb. Successfully installed Honeycomb.
Bought second GTablet. Sent GTablet to my son along with the links I used to install Honeycomb in first tablet.
Something went wrong and it has come home bricked.

I tried reading the various GTablet brick recovery threads, but I am unable to even get back to a black screen. Starting with the power button and the volume control brings up the birds and in the upper left corner "Recovery key detected, Booting recovery kernel image." That's it. It won't go to black screen or go any further whatsoever.

I'm not sure if it was the great instructions I got the first time or just dumb luck that it worked perfectly once. I this thing now a paperweight? Can anyone help me?

Please use small words and enunciate! I am definitely not a techie! Thank you in advance!
