Newbie with Huawei S7 - Computer doesn't recognize tablet as an external drive


Dec 27, 2010
Hi there, got the Huawei S7 for Christmas. Having a hell of a time. Finally got the drivers installed but my computer still doesn't see the tablet as a device plugged in via the USB plug in. How does one expect to download music/video, etc. if the computer will not see the device? I downloaded the device drivers from the manufacturer website and once I did that, my computer sad that it downloaded successfully. What am I missing?
On the tablet, did you go to notifications and tell it to mount as USB? You have to tell the tablet too.
Drivers aren't necessary. Once the device is plugged in you'll see a notification on the left side of the devices notification window (the thing that comes up when you tap the two white rectangles at the top right) that says mount sd card. Tap that and it should work.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Of course you would need an sd card to put in the device.... which I forgot to pick up. Thanks all!
I'm thinking about picking up a 32gb sd on ebay. Be nice when people ask you about your device to say it has 40gigs hdd space :p
Have you rooted? Until i did NOTHING allowed win7 64 bit to see the internal sd card.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Just weighing in with my experience re: Win 7 64-bit - I am seeing the internal SD card just fine on an unrooted S7. So YMMV, but it does not appear that it is absolutely necessary to root the S7 in order to see the internal storage simply because one is using Win7 64-bit (though the variability of hardware and the operating system combinations may be a contributing factor).
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i have big mistake .
formatted internal sd to my ideos s7 tablet with PC.Now my computer does not recognize the my internal sd card .Please help me guys .
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