Noob here


Jul 16, 2014
Soo I'm new to android tablets
I'm more of an apple guy for daily use of my phone and such
I've had a knock off table for a few years now that I had used quite a bit when I got it but now it won't charge or turn on. Awhile back I tried using it and it would pop up to the start screen with only the android bot waving and freeze
I've tried the reset with the buttons and pushing the reset button to no avail. I've read before that the batteries just give out over prolonged periods of not being used
I haven't been able to find a battery for it
It's a Chinese model not sure of the name...but the model number is: M706B
Takes 9v 1.5A charger
If anyone has a direction or information to give me that would be much appreciated and excuse me if this is in the wrong section for such of a post. Thanks
Tablet will not take a charge after that picture
I have the casing off and there seems to be some transistor type connection that is buzzing and getting extremely hot
there seems to be some transistor type connection that is buzzing and getting extremely hot

Until that happened, it sounded like a simple software problem. Perhaps it could be repaired by a local shop. However, given the age and the fact it was an inexpensive tablet to begin with, it probably wouldn't be worth the cost.
That's my assumption
The light comes on while it's plugged into the outlet but that piece becomes extremely hot and buzzes
The tablet had nothing wrong with it when it was put away
Touch screen seems to be in good order along with all the buttons
It's a shame
I may get a beagle bone to incorporate into my truck rather than this tablet
Touch screen seems to be in good order along with all the buttons

Several people on the forum have purchased "broken" tablets on eBay for parts like replacement screens. You might be able to get a few bucks for it there.
I know some forums had the classified ads
I wasn't sure about this one
Maybe I can get one that has a broken screen and transfer the screen over from my broke one