NOOKcolor Owners thread

^ Yes, well put :)

*edit: with custom roms it is good practice to sit back and see if people report bugs before immediately trying it out. I took me like 6 months of getting use to android before I rooted my you guys are all ahead of where I was when I started :)
Here here, I agree whole heartily. Playing with Rom customization takes a skill set that requires time and study. I've worked with PC's from the beginning. Almost over 30 years now. I've only bought 1 desktop system back in the 80's and built all the subsequent ones ever since. I've owned one laptop, and currently use my desktop and a netbook for traveling. I don't own a cellphone, but this NC is a great portable browser and quick message system for me. I find the stock NC great and would not want to brick it by playing with fire. The only fire I played with was rooting it with Autonooter 3 and I love the expansive capabilities that has given me, but all this newer stuff barely out of concept stage I would rather wait on. If it works don't mess with it unless you are capable of fixing things. These good folks help a lot of people, but none of them are mind readers and can't watch over your shoulder on how things were done. Be careful and alert what you are doing. Heck you make a frikking video if you want to be sure. I often do that or photograph stuff when I build systems to make sure I didn't forget something. It also works good for reverse engineering when you are tearing things apart.

When the new B&N update comes out, I will revert back to stock to play with it and make up my mind then, what I expect out of my NC. First and foremost I bought it as a book reader, second it would be great to browse with. Everything else is just icing on the cake.
Happy owner of an NC, and would like to be added to the list on this thread.
I've been following for a while, and just want to say thanks for all the support
you all give.
Happy owner of an NC, and would like to be added to the list on this thread.
I've been following for a while, and just want to say thanks for all the support
you all give.

Thanks for being here, and allow me to be the first to welcome you officially to the forums.

Edited OP to add jettadroid
So, add me to the list as well. If I get my home screen into something I'm OK with, I'll post it.

- Vichon
i've had my my nook color for a week now. its freakin awesome. can't believe i debated buying one for so practicle, especially on those light days of school that i dont want to lug around my laptop.
My thanks to everyone in the forum; I've had my Nookcolor for three weeks, and was new to the whole rooting process. I've had a lot of fun messing with it, and the people who post here are so helpful. :)
Glad you're having fun with your NC !

Update - Added Trixiem and jinnijinn to the list. I welcome you guys to the forum :)
Greetings Programs! Wait what? Sorry couldn't help myself (see my profile pic if'n you don't get it) Well after my initial woes and the prompt and courteous assistance of this here forum I can(now)proudly add my name to the list of NookColor owners. I absolutely love my Nook as well as this forum. I have had a few issues that I will be posting questions about later(I have searched the interwebs to no avail) but for now I just wanted to add my name to the list and once again offer thanks to all the fine folks here who have made being an owner of a NookColor that much more of a rewarding experience.


Be Well,

Local Stain
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Since I last checked in, I have: downloaded and used Honeycomb 3 + on SD, loved it and saved it; downloaded and used the phiremod; returned to stock and moved to the pre-rooted 1.1, (saved that to my pc, but don't know if I will be able to get it back; and most recently, downloaded and installed the latest CM7 with the newest CWR installed internally. Can you tell I'm having a good time? After I started learning to root my NC and initially ran into problems (several times), I learned how to: not panic, try it again (and again); uninstall everything and start from scratch if necessary; read anything and everything on the forums. The Tech subforum on this site, as well as the Nookdevs, and XDA forums have been a real education. I even went on to the IRC site last night but no one seemed to be chatting.:)

Anyway, I am having a great time. I retired from being a teacher and school principal several years ago and have always loved gadgets and my computers, but this is the first time I've ever felt empowered enough to try something new. You guys on this thread have my thanks for your encouragement and help.

This thread doesn't seem to have a lot of action, but I have run across several of you on other threads and forums.

Thanks again for your gracious acceptance of newcomers. You have made a positive difference for many of us!! Thanks to Rico, Stevl. darmeen, Matt, and if I have left anyone out, I abjectly apologize.

I have had my Nook Color for about a week, have it rooted and installing tweaks to get it where I want it to be. Also have a Droid X and with it rooted and Wifi for Root, I can use this almost anywhere I can get signal. Glad I purchased this.....Ran into issues once I installed ROM Manager and CWM.....didn't fully follow the steps. After getting stuck in a boot loop figured out what I did wrong and got it fixed.

Hopefully someone will come up with a cheap way to replace the battery when this one needs replacing.

Add me to the owner's list....Once i finish customizing mine will post a screen pic.

Nook Color 1.1 Rooted / Zeam / Softkeys 3.08
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I GOT IT, I GOT IT... Best Valentine's Day ever!!!! I can't post a picture yet, I've been crazy busy this week so I've barely "really" started playing with it this weekend... I downloaded my first book after days and days of trying to decide which one to pick... Went with what should have been a "no brainer" for me - - - Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe... Also started reading Pride and Prejudice which came free... I am in love and in heaven!!! Will post more as I have more time (will I ever have time now that I am a proud, proud owner of my very own NOOKcolor?!?)... I highly recommend it to EVERYONE, period - no matter what other tech gadget they own, this is the best invention since - since the wheel!!!
:cool:Thanks Darmeen, just tried a little phiremod lovin'. It was fun for about half an hour till I flashed the oc kernal & then nothing but fc,fc,fc....:confused: Oh well I have grown patient in my old(er) age and will wait for a nice stable, flashable CM7. Presently restoring to my original rooted state. Chees, LS.