Pandigital 9" Novel e-reader user in need of some help


Feb 8, 2011
I purchased the Pandigital 9" Novel color e-reader from Bed, Bath and beyond for my fiance and need a little help please. I am trying to find out if and how it can be hacked to add Adobe Flash to allow access to You Tube and other videos. I would also like to be able to install Spider Solitaire for her and to be able to access the Android market. The current OS is Android 2.0. I am a very novice user. Hope someone can help me. Thank you very much.
You can check out Spider Solitaire here - Spider Solitaire - Android

To gain Marketplace access you will have to root your device/install a firmware that has Market access. The Pandigital 9" does not have access to the official Google marketplace out of the box. There are alternatives out there such as AndMarket, 1MarketPlace etc... I can list a few direct ones, if you want.
Hello feverhost,

I went to the link and downloaded youtube.apk from the site, and when I attempted to run/install it on my PDN 9" it errored with a parse error.

Any other suggestions for Youtube capability?

Hi bklake, welcome to the forum. I'm moving your post to the Pandigital Novel section of the forum. Someone there should be able to help you.
Hello feverhost,

I went to the link and downloaded youtube.apk from the site, and when I attempted to run/install it on my PDN 9" it errored with a parse error.

Any other suggestions for Youtube capability?


Hey bklake, did you ever find a fix for the Youtube parse issue? If not, let me know, I may have an APK that will work for you.