Pendo Pad Help


Jan 24, 2011
Hi guys, I'm probably in the wrong spot here but just wondering if anyone can help. I recently bought a Pendo PAd, it's a 7" android tablet. I have downloaded Skype on it but it just refuses to work. I was wondering if anyone had advice for me on how I can work skype on my tablet?
No idea what that is. Do you have a link?

If Skype fails to work, it just means you need to try something else.
Hi, Im new here, but I had the same problem trying to get get skype to work on my galaxy s phone when it was running Eclair 2.1 software. It seems skype wont work with 2.1, it needs 2.2 Froyo. Once the firmware came out for my phone, I downloaded it and now the phone works a lot better and skype works too.
hi sorry to bother your post but my pendo pad bricked itself and I was wondering if anyone could make me a nandroid backup of their pendo.I Have looked everywhere for one online and every other firmware doesn't work quite right.
I have had the same problem in that it installs but I cannot sign in (just goes on forever). I tried Fring and it disables video calls due to "device limitations". I have also tried Tango and though it downloads the installation fails. With the help of Tango support I created a log of what happens when I try to install Tango and apparently the Pendopad cannot find the camera and thus the installation fails. I have also contacted Pendopad support in Melbourne and they just say that the Pendopad does not work with all software-no real help at all. The manual quite definitely says that the camera is intended for use in video chats so it is not unreasonable to expect that to be possible. So I have asked them what software will work. Still waiting for the reply. Bit disappointing as it seems to work well in all other respects.
Hi i was just wondering if anyone could tell me how to fix my pendo pad, it doesn't turn on. i have tried to reset it and i even pressed the power button but nothing seems to work, its like not turning on at all.
i will have dump files and a custom rom 2.2+ available in the next few weeks. most apps donot work on 2.1.. (find me and support for pendo at DoDo Pendo Pad - Android Forums)

Howdy, did you get a 2.2 update for the TPC7SLV up and running?
Without it this device is really crap. Searching for game apps on the market results in 2 or 4 hits, none of which are any good.
