Please join the forum!


Dec 7, 2010
This is what i see:

There are currently 395 users browsing this forum. (7 members & 388 guests)

Seriously guys, don't just browse, register an account and start to participate!
good post, it is worth it to join. Stick around and contribute. That is the only way the forum will grow, not to mention android tablets in general
yea it is. So all you guests reading this go and register an account. Its worth it!
Done :p to be honest ive registered a few days ago but was just too lazy to sign in. Anyway been looking at the tablets and really been wanting one problem is I really really dont need one , i got my desktop for my work , my laptop for mobile heavy demands , my netbook for light mobile work and my smartphone for messing around when im bored. That being said, Im trying to figure out an excuse to get one for myself , guys please help me, give me a reasonable excuse, hell anything that i can say to myself that i would use a tablet for so i can be justified (even a little bit).

BTW im a regular at XDA , PPCgeeks and just joined Slatedroid , so im a regular forum user and i have to agree there are only positive aspects to joining no negatives so join up and join in. Also the more people that joine the more information that can be shared and the more we can help each other.
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As someone who uses Forums at length let me say ~ by joining not only will you be able to obtain detailed information to a specific request but you will have the added satisfaction you are giving something back to a society that shares your interests.

Join.... it makes perfect sense. :)
Participation would be nice... But with the amount of users who are still just holding off on their purchases and doing their research right now, it's okay.
Quite a lot of people are still researching, I definitely know that. I get quite a lot of people contacting me with questions about buying tablets in the U.S. The whole "tablet" thing, is still pretty infantile to most places in the U.S, and a lot of people have questions.
I joined yesterday and posted but for some reason this morning, I got signed out and therefore, appeared to be a guest without realising!