Pocket eDGe Dualbook Quick Start WiFi Connectivity Problems. Help!


Sep 17, 2011
I just purchased a Pocket eDGe Dualbook. It is no longer supported. The manufacturer has pulled the plug on the product. I do not have a product manual. It comes with a Quick-Start Guide. Set Up is: Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your device. #1 is to set up WiFi. I have a 2Wire414 modem. I input the SSID# and WEP Key# Next, I am asked to enter my password. When I do that, I get this message: Unable to connect to the network.

I cannot get in to complete the set up. I can go no further. I know that the SSID#, WEP Key# and password are correct. I have my Internet through AT&T U-Verse and that is the information that the Technician put into my manual when he set it up.

If any of you have any ideas of what I can do, I would really appreciate your help. If I cannot connect to the WiFi, it is a piece of unusable electronic equipment... Thank you in advance.
You could try setting your wireless channel to something less than 11. That has worked for some people here on the forum.
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I am having the exact same problem as Jeaniejp. I have no idea how to "set your wireless channel to something less than 11". I didn't know my wireless even had channels. I use Suddenlink. Can anyone help?
Most WiFi devices will automatically scan and configure the SSID e.g. 2WireXXXX.

There should be a sticker on the side of the U-Verse modem at the bottm with all the relevant information like WEP Key, MAC address and Security password. Make sure you are entering the nine digit "password" and NOT your alphanumeric U-Verse password you decided on when creating an account with AT&T.

Hope this helps...
I have AT&T Uverse and the way the tech told you to do it is correct. One thing you might check is that the wifi is turned on, on the Pocket Edge.