[PRJ] apps2sd discussion

Hey guys,
Just wanted to let you all know how much we all appreciate the hard work, time and effort you are pouring into this device at the moment.

I can't wait to give this a try myself, but as I'm currently in the process of moving I don't have my computer set up at the moment. I'm surviving with just my tablet for all my internet.

Once again thanks for everything.

Sent from my S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
ended up removing it slowed down my s7

Surprised to hear that. It seems to make mine work much faster. The lag problems are gone. Maybe it works better with different ROMs. I am using the singapore one.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Surprised to hear that. It seems to make mine work much faster. The lag problems are gone. Maybe it works better with different ROMs. I am using the singapore one.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
alot of apps would stop responding on me
alot of apps would stop responding on me

Any specific apps? I am running most things.

We want to make sure this works well.

What size partition did you create?

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Have the Android SDK installed (or droidexplorer if you're on windows for adb, as I've got the sdk
this howto uses adb on the command line.)

We need to make an ext2 file system on the second partition. This is done via the command line on
the device. So fire up the adb shell

./adb shell

Type the command su to get root privilages, then type the following command:

busybox mke2fs /dev/block/vold/179:2

Alright I am trying to do this on my internal SD card, slow day at work today! I have everything installed, I am doing this on a WindowsXP machine. In DroidExplorer I can see my device and get in to all the root files and the SD and SD2 files. If I open up the command console it says Droid Explorer Shell and nothing will work in there, I can even try su and it takes a little time and tells me permission denied. I also tried terminal emulator on the tablet and I can't get this to work there either. I know I need to change this to 179:18 when I get that far.

Any help on what I am doing wrong....other than using windows. Thanks
.....and tells me permission denied.....

Is your device rooted? Sounds like it is, when you run SU on your PC check your device it is most likely waiting for you to give it permission, say "yes" to the msgbox on your device. I have been running it from regular DOS command window. You just need to CD to the directory where ADB.exe is installed.
Is your device rooted? Sounds like it is, when you run SU on your PC check your device it is most likely waiting for you to give it permission, say "yes" to the msgbox on your device. I have been running it from regular DOS command window. You just need to CD to the directory where ADB.exe is installed.

Thanks, man I feel stupid, this time I watched my tablet and sure enough it was asking for permission. I had the screen off before. Wow that was bad! Thanks again!
OK need a little more help when I do the
busybox mke2fs /dev/block/vold/179:18
command I get the following error
mke2fs: image is too small

I have my partition set at 1.36 GB and it is unformatted.

EDIT - nevermind, I have it working now.
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OK so this worked!!!! I have 172MB of 175MB available on internal tablet storage. I have gone in and opened most of my applications and they take a second or two longer to load, but that is not bad.

The only things that I can see is that I am going to have to reset-up some of my widgets that I use that work with the apps...not a big deal! The only other thing I can see, or not see, is how much storage space I have left on the SD card, I set up a 1.36 GB partition so I should be fine :)

After I figured out what I was actually doing this worked like a charm using the hard work that ivy and pvella put together and then work that shanksv did with them to get this on the internal SD card for those of us that have both an internal and external. GREAT WORK GUYS!

While I would still like to see Froyo on the tablet, getting the apps to move to the SD was the biggest downfall of the tablet to me. Now if we get 2.2 and flash this thing will be the best out there.
Glad you got it working. So this validates that one more person can repeat it:) As for checking space used in apps2sd, Titanium Backup gives you that information. This is a great tool to have for all your backing up needs.
Great point, I did not even think of look at Titanium back-up to check this. I use it for the back-up already. I just checked and sure enough right on the main screen 1.28GB free, time to get some apps on this thing tonight!

This may look complex, but once you start doing it, it really is not that hard. I am not a programmer in anyway, a very strong computer user, but not a programmer.

I may try and put together a post tonight on an idiots guide to this for someone who is only using a windows machine and the two applications that I used for this. I am going to do this again over the weekend to my wifes tablet as well so I can double check everything.
179:1 - sdcard2 (1partition(fat32))
179:2 - sdcard2 (second(ext2)) if enable
179:17 - sdcard (1partition(fat32))
179:18 - sdcard2 (second(ext2)) if enable
it's simple