[ROM] Firmware for 4GB Haipad M701 HY 1221


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2010
There's a new firmware out for the M701 model with 4 GB of internal storage because it uses a different make of flash memory chip. If you have one of these here's the link:


I've been struggling with trying to get my bricked HaiPad M-701 4GB model working again for the past 3 days. I kept trying various firmware for the normal M-701 and was completely confused by the fact firmware that worked for everyone else never worked for me. Then I realized all the others are setting my NAND Data area to 2711552KB when the original was 3-something, so I must have a different model. So I tried to search for 4GB HaiPad and got a link to a firmware for the 4GB G10, which didn't even get to the splash screen.

Now, FINALLY, I have one that might work. Please cross your fingers for me, and again, thank you.

EDIT: I got the thing as a Christmas present and managed to brick it on Christmas, yes. :p
Oh, I figure I should tell anyone else the symptoms of trying to flash 2GB firmware on a 4GB just so if anyone else sees this they can avoid wasting their time like I did:

For most firmware, including the Android 2.2 firmware and pretty much all firmware thats for the M701 but not specifically the R, you will get an infinite CRC Check in FWDN when checking the MTD image.

For the R-specific firmware, the 09-19 and the 10-22, you will get a CRC fail when checking the MTD image.

None will boot past the splash screen. The Android 2.2 firmware will sit infinitely in fastboot, no matter what kernel you feed it, whether through "fastboot boot <kernel> <ramdisk>" or through a normal boot image.

HOPEFULLY this fixes the issue. Still downloading.

I originally tried to flash new firmware because YouTube app was showing no video, just audio. I guess I'm pretty stupid. :p

UPDATE: So far, I just flashed the lk.rom so I could get the NAND Data partition to be the right size before I flashed everything else... And already its getting further in the boot process, from the FWDN mode to fastboot, I had to hold down both buttons on the top to get into FWDN mode again for the first time since I started trying to flash this device. Good sign!

2ND UPDATE: It works! It works! Little android guy is in the corner of my screen! I could kiss you, you saved christmas.

FINAL UPDATE: And YouTube works now too :)
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Could you detail the steps you used to flash the 4GB version. I am having similar problems, and wondering what I am doing wrong.
Sure man, glad to help another person out.

The big thing: If you have the 4GB version, this is the only firmware you can use right now other than the original.

First, you need to install the VTC drivers. If you, like me, have Windows 7 or Vista, you'll need to get them from the link at the second post in this thread. Just install the drivers from the VTC folder, ignore the rest of the stuff in there, its not for your tablet, just grab the Drive-vtcdrv folder. :p http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...-haipad-701-r-firmware-using-windows-7-a.html. If you're using Windows XP or 2000, you can use the drivers packed with this firmware.

Second, you need to get FWDN. If you're using Windows 7, you can't used the FWDN v2.10 packed with this firmware as it'll just give you blank screens. You can get FWDN v2.13, which is what I used, from the firmware download linked here http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/telechips-based/2445-new-firmare-out-haipad-m701.html. Again you do NOT want to use anything else from this rar except for the FWDN_V7_v2.13 folder and the FWDN_V7_CFG.ini file. And again, if you're using Windows XP or 2000, you can just use v2.10.

Third, you need to get this firmware RAR if you haven't already.

Fourth, after installing the VTC drivers (x86 7 folder for Windows 7 and Vista 32-bit, x64 folder for Windows 7 and Vista 64-bit, vtcdrv folder from this RAR for XP and 2000), you want to start up FWDN_V7_<v2.13 or v2.10>.exe and add lk.rom and tcc8900_mtd.img from this RAR (click the ... and go into the 20101221_nobluetooth_ec12_hy folder, select "All files" under files of type, add both of them, doesn't matter in which order).

Fifth, plug your HaiPad, which should be switched off, into your computer. Hold down all three buttons and then switch it on. You'll know you're successful when it freezes at the HaiPad logo and FWDN pops up a little blue window which says "Device Init Successful" and then disappears. You should now see a NAND Data button on the side of the FWDN window.

STOP. MAKE SURE the NAND Data partition reads as a number of kilobytes beginning with 3, not 2. If it begins with 2, either you do NOT have the 4GB version, or you do and you've flashed the wrong firmware before. If you've flashed the wrong firmware before, you'll know, as your machine will freeze at the HaiPad logo screen no matter what you do. Also, you will have noticed that the amount of kilobytes for NAND Data ORIGINALLY began with 3. I'm being cautious because I do NOT know what could happen to a 2GB haipad flashed with the 4GB firmware, but I'm sure it would be nothing good.

IF AND ONLY IF YOU HAVE FLASHED THE WRONG FIRMWARE: We're going to need to do this somewhat different. Remove the tcc8900_mtd.img from the list, so that only lk.rom is present. Now hit Start and wait for it to finish flashing (blue box should turn a pale green). Then reset your HaiPad with the switch, bringing it back into flashing mode. You should notice that the NAND Data is now the right size. What we did was rewrite the basic ROM of your HaiPad back to normal so that its partition map is now correct again. Now re-add tcc8900_mtd.img.

Alright, continuing on from there, both for those who flashed the wrong firmware and those starting from the original firmware:

Sixth, click the NAND Data partition button. It'll bring you to a screen where you can create a brand new, empty Data partition. You'll want to make sure its set to create a FAT partition with the label HaiPad. Nothing else in here matters, not even the filename of the image you save (it can be ihaverabies.goo for all the thing cares.) Create the image and you'll find its automatically added to your list of files to flash.

You may notice the firmware already comes with a "NAND Data.fai" file. Well, this is never the right size and honestly I don't know why it even exists, as its obviously just a file with a FAT format and a bunch of zeroes, as thats what a blank NAND Data is. The NAND Data partition is where apps you install end up, where your settings go, and where things you download go if you don't have an SD card, it has no preloaded data in it and shouldn't have. Feel free to overwrite this file with your new NAND Data image and use that whenever you need to flash in the future. This is in fact what the original instructions have you do, which further emphasizes the uselessness of the file as its apparently only there to be replaced.

Seventh, click Start, and wait. This will take about 5 to 20 minutes depending on the speed of your computer and your USB connection. If it takes more than 20 minutes, and it's reached the "CRC Check" step, the progress bar is full, and it doesnt seem to be doing anything... Congrats, you've ignored my warnings and flashed the 4GB HaiPad firmware to an incompatible device. You're on your own.

Eighth, you should now be presented with a green window telling you the firmware flash was successful. Unplug your HaiPad from the computer, shut it off, and turn it back on the normal way. If it worked, the splash screen should give way to the familiar lone green Android. Congrats. Confirm you've got the new firmware by trying out the YouTube app. At least, that was the only thing really broken for me on the original firmware.
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First off thanks for taking the effort with such a detailed reply. It is mightily appreciated.
Now a couple of further questions.
1. Does your process go through a Nand BMP Update phase and if yes how long does it take. Mine takes several hours and gets stuck at the end. And then throws some error messages when I remove the USB. I will try to include the screen dumps at the end of this post.

2. In the FWDN window, in the bottom right right it has a selector for download method, do you use (Debug Level) Recovery Format or just the default Download.

Thanks for you help.

It is alive! Thanks fellow. My problem appears to be trying to write to the device in (Debug Level) Recovery format. The default download was the go. I did the lk.rom first then added the other files, and is again working including the market (which was where the trouble started). Thanks again for taking the time to detail the instructions.
No problem. Yeah, I actually tried a Debug Level format, and while it did work for me, it also took about half a day, and didnt seem to do anything. I'd suggest default download or the normal low level format option.
I have the 2gb version tried the firmware update - can I get this to work?

I tried this update on my mid701 with 2gb (the one listed as HY) on Haipad's website and it loaded in fwdn but when arrived at the end I got the fail message in the picture and then I switched the unit off to see and it just stuck at the I love you screen. I straight away reloaded the previous firmware without trying to restart again because I thought this may brick the machine by putting the wrong firmware on it. I don't believe I can damage it now but I am wondering if this could be adapted to work on the 2gb version? And if so the easiest way to do it?
2GB and 4GB use a different flash storage chip. The firmwares are not compatible.
Is this Android 2.2 firmware ? As I tried previous test version of Android 2.2, and getting error shown below.

Log file shown
FWDN V7 -- v2.13
[DEBUG] CFwdnPort::Check_VtcUsbPortChange: \\?\usb#vid_140e&pid_b071#5&2fbfa74d&0&4#{db6585b8-0409-4ee6-9636-e595901c59ca} is pluged.
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload: DeviceArrivalEvent: Device Arrival Event (dev=0)
[DEBUG] CFwdnPort: DEVICE_Ping: FWDN Response Failure
[DEBUG] CFwdnPort::UBS_Ping: UBS Ping : FWDN Response Failure
[DEBUG] CFwdnPort::Load_UBS: Starts (port=0, size=6536)
UBS(USB Boot Supporter) Load Complete! - (0sec 01)
[DEBUG] CFwdnPort::Check_VtcUsbPortChange: \\?\usb#vid_140e&pid_b071#5&2fbfa74d&0&4#{db6585b8-0409-4ee6-9636-e595901c59ca} is unpluged.
[DEBUG] CFwdnPort::Check_VtcUsbPortChange: \\?\usb#vid_140e&pid_b071#5&2fbfa74d&0&4#{db6585b8-0409-4ee6-9636-e595901c59ca} is pluged.
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload: DeviceArrivalEvent: Device Arrival Event (dev=0)
[DEBUG] CFwdnPort: DEVICE_Ping: FWDN Response Failure
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload::Load_BOOT: Starts (device=0)
[DEBUG] CFwdnPort::UBS_InitCodeLoad: InitCode Info : Base=0x42000000, Start=0x42000578, End=0x42000980, Size=1032
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload::Load_BOOT: Base Address=0x42000000
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload::Load_BOOT: BOOT Load Complete - 1 sec (device=0)
BOOT Load Complete! - (1sec 07)
[DEBUG] CFwdnPort::Check_VtcUsbPortChange: \\?\usb#vid_140e&pid_b071#5&2fbfa74d&0&4#{db6585b8-0409-4ee6-9636-e595901c59ca} is unpluged.
[DEBUG] CFwdnPort::Check_VtcUsbPortChange: \\?\usb#vid_140e&pid_b071#5&2fbfa74d&0&4#{db6585b8-0409-4ee6-9636-e595901c59ca} is pluged.
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload: DeviceArrivalEvent: Device Arrival Event (dev=0)
Download Session - Start!
Device Init - Start!
Device Init - Complete! - (1sec 95)
Device's SerialNumber : 000000E04CB8E213100926220541053F
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload::OnDownloadDefault: check=1 filepath=C:\Andrioid\Apad\hipad\tcc8900_mtd2.2\lk.rom filesize=1078KB type=0
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload::OnDownloadDefault: check=1 filepath=C:\Andrioid\Apad\hipad\tcc8900_mtd2.2\tcc8900_mtd.img filesize=110MB type=4
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload::Verify_ImageFile: [HEADER] : Size=48 CRC=0x6B5223DC
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload::OnDownloadDefault: check=1 filepath=C:\Andrioid\Apad\hipad\tcc8900_mtd2.2\NAND Data.fai filesize=720KB type=5
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload::Verify_ImageFile: [HEADER] : Size=96 CRC=0x9E16C52E
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload::Verify_ImageFile: Image Version : TCC FAT IMG V0.1
[DEBUG] CFwdnDownload::Verify_ImageFile: DISKSIZE = 0x56C00000
[ERROR] CFwdnDownload::Verify_ImageFile: "NAND Data" Disk Size is not matched.
[ERROR] CFwdnDownload::Verify_ImageFile: - Image's Disk=2842624sectors / Target's Disk=6561792sectors
Download Session - Ending...
Download Session - End!
[ERROR] ########## Download is failed! ##########

Image's Disk=2842624sectors / Target's Disk=6561792sectors

Later, I ask the resaler repaired for me reinstall Android 2.1, I saw repair guy using the same flash tools
FWDN V7 -- v2.09 to go through the same steps and successfully recovered.

My device name IROBOT APAD7, not Hipad M701.

Hipad M701 has plastic case, where my IROBOT APAD7 has alumina case.

It has 256mb DDR2 Ram
4GB internal mircoSD
external SD (upto 32GB)
Telechips 8902 - 720Mhz

From the outlook, they clone, apart from IROBOT weight a bit more due to metal case.

BUT STILL WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR ANDROID 2.2 custom ROM, so I can read flash 10.1

your advise will be highly helped.

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James, the problem is most likely that you have an IROBOT APAD and not a Haipad M701. Many of these tablets may LOOK alike, or even have identical specifications, but that doesn't mean you can just use the firmware from one on another. You have to use a firmware specifically designed for YOUR tablet.
How can I find a decent version of 2.2 for my m701? There were a couple of versions released from Haipad one was complete s#!t and the other was for a Haipad m701 HY which I believe is the one talked about in this post.

If I don't have the Haipad m701 HY version nor the 4gb memory version and only the 2gb version what are my options. I have seen a few people talking about the cyanogen build but I downloaded this and couldn't get it on to the machine because of the clockwork recovery program was not there. I downloaded the ROM manager program which allowed me to load a version of clockwork mod to the pad but I tried a couple of these recovery programs and the buttons don't work when it comes time to select options on this screen. When trying to load this recovery program through the ROM manager it only offers many phone models so I wondered how it was that a version of cyanogen mod had been ported to the m701. I can't get it to do anything of value. I got 2.2 on once with the official version from Haipad but the camera video Google and the market all were not working. Any ideas for me? It's like searching for the holy grail getting a fully working 2.2 for this device and it is almost like 2.2 versions are popping up for all sorts of mobile devices but not this one. As I said any ideas will make my day.
Any idea when it woul possibly exist? Any insider info maybe? Or maybe you have info about another ROM that could work. I mentioned Cyanogen I did see this for m701 but how the hell they got it on their without use of the buttons on the pad in the recovery program I don't know? Just sit tight then?