|ROM MOD| EPAD-OD |RR|MKT|API|Tz115F|WMT2.1.1_105|12/9/10


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2010



What's New!
All new OD (OVERDRIVE Core Engine!)
Pro Package 3 (App included are smaller) If you need more use Power 101 extra package.
Based on WMT2.1.1_105 OEM ROM with Build Info in About Device
I've tested this myself so the images above are what I get!
Build on my own OEM WMT2.1.1_105 ROM from Maylong for M150A12
Added Apple Icons with Icon Size Change (SOFTWARE)
Added WiFi Boosted (HARDWARE)
Added Battery Boosted (HARDWARE)
Added WiFi and Battery Triple Boost (HARDWARE)
Added Rooting (SOFTWARE)
Added Market (SOFTWARE)
Added Gmail Works (SOFTWARE)
Added Slide Lock (SOFTWARE)
Added Browser HOST for Adware/Malware/Spyware Protection (SOFTWARE)

Additional ON Hardware Features
  • Camera
  • 3G
  • PAN (Blue-Tooth)
  • DSL

What you need to do first!
Calibrate Your Touch Screen
Setup WiFi to Join your Network
Setup Market with your gmail account or Create an account
Setup Gmail

Fix for Market if you can't download? (optional)
Press the Menu button and navigate to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications
Select Gmail and then press the “Clear Data” button
Go back and choose Gmail Storage, and then press Clear Data
Go back and choose Google Apps, and then press Clear Cache
Go to Gmail, you will be asked to sign in. Sign in using “name@gmail.com”and everything will sign in properly! Gmail my try to sync your email data this will take time get out of it.

Recommended use ZONE MESSAGE CENTER DOWNLOADS POWER 101 PACKAGEfor additional software not included

Non-Windows Installer: ePad_ATz115f_OD_script.7z

Software/Hardware Requirements:
24-pin Slot Connector
WMT2.xxxxx to WMT2.1.1_205
VIA WM8505+ CPU (Tested)

Stuff you need to do..
Once you download and install the ROM MOD.
You need to configure the Slide Lock (if it sticks you just press menu and home then repeat to unlock)
You also need to re-calibrate your touch screen
Sign on or Create a Market Account. Might not download on second try, (you need to go into Manage Applications and delete the cache for Gmail and Gmail Storage)
Rooted Apps will have permission to access your root.

If you have any questions just post them here.
Enjoy your new Experience with EPAD.
Slide note if you need more features then get OVERDRIVE or EXTREME MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE GO WITH SUPERCHARGE.

Created on 12/9/10 @ 3:47AM by tipstir
I'll give that one a shot! Looking great, well done again!

In terms of compatibility, does it require the VIA + processor or will it work on any of the Flytouch? I am still a little confused as how to work out compatibility between the roms and devices?

Thanks again!
I'll give that one a shot! Looking great, well done again!

In terms of compatibility, does it require the VIA + processor or will it work on any of the Flytouch? I am still a little confused as how to work out compatibility between the roms and devices?

Thanks again!

Tested on WM8505+ but some who have WM8505 report it works.
You can't use this on Older ROMs they had a different PCB. If you do you'll get Process System (Error)
Hello. I installed the rom but when the Android loading screen comes up and the droid floats up, my device starts vibrating and won't stop? Once loaded up, I tried to slide to unlock with no luck. With the device still vibrating I powered down the device and tried again. Still the same results. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Hello. I installed the rom but when the Android loading screen comes up and the droid floats up, my device starts vibrating and won't stop? Once loaded up, I tried to slide to unlock with no luck. With the device still vibrating I powered down the device and tried again. Still the same results. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

What device did you install this one?
Tried this one, doesn't work for me.

After flashing the unit, it just buzzes like mad after the intro screen ;)

Going back to [ROM] New* 256MB MOD Flytouch 2.0_88 en rooted market which seems to be the best fit for my unit in terms of stability, it's quite slow however, and it's not recognized as rooted by all Apps. Anything I could do? For example, setCPU doesn't work on it... :(

Thanks again for all your work!
ePad WMT2.0_105 today update to this firmware. works ok ! thanks. I hope that you will be able to adapt real Android 2.1 (+ flash player)