Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Officially Released & Available Nationwide Today


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

The svelt new Galaxy Tab 10.1 Android Tablet from Samsung is finally available nationwide at retailers and online outlets. The device has been receiving good press, and looks to be a decent contender to fight against its rivals. If you are one of the lucky users that picks one of these up, please sound off in the forums to let us know your thoughts on the device.

Got mine at Best Buy. Works great and wish there were more Tablet specific Apps. The ones available are not taking advantage of the 3.1 and some do not interface with the GPS very well either. Navionics will not wok on it since it does not have an SD card slot and until they change that I'll stick to telling you forget looking at your navionics charts with the 10.1. CNN is pretty cool and so is USA Today. Pulse is a good App on the 0.1 and Engadget will not change to Landscape in the home screen of Engadget App. I hope the deveopers get on the ball and hope the News sites get to 3.1 soon too.