Sync cal/contacs without Google

Jan 20, 2012
Ok, I'm probably being anachronistic here, but I don't feel like sharing all my data with a company, despite all the good intentions and the wonderful services it's providing for free to us fellow users.

What I found so far are various solutions with pros and cons, but none of them is working in an acceptable way:
  • Apps for syncing contacts/calendar with a WebDAV server (CalDAV, etc..) are working quite fine, but you have to have your cloud service. I used a virtual machine and installed ownCloud on it and it's working ok, but having problems with more than 1000 contacts.
  • Apps for syncing directly with a computer (Mark/Space Missing Sync duplicated all my contact both on my computer and on my phone - great! - and SyncMate is taking more than 25mins every sync and often freezes for a random contact, without telling you why nor which contact is causing the problem)
What I ended up doing is manually saving, once a week, a backup, and import that on my computer replacing all the contacts I have on it, remembering not to save anything new on my machine. This is no good. And still doesn't solve the calendar side.

Any suggestion? I've been googling a lot and now trying to install Funambol on a new virtual machine.
Waiting for your suggestions!!
I have heard that the guys at SyncMate are pretty quick at answering queries, but I have two points preventing me in contacting them:
1. I'm not a paying customer, just using the free edition (this shouldn't be a big problem anyway)
2. Reading the reviews on the android market seems like my problems are most likely software limitations, as heaps of users suffer of slow sync, doubled contacts and any other thing I listed above.

I feel like that SyncMate might become a great software, but it's still too young to work in a business (reliable) environment. And I don't feel like neither loosing more time on it nor giving those guys a bad review just to add more spam to the reviews in the market.

Just crossing fingers and going ahead with the xml backups! ;)

Thank you for your suggestion anyway!!