I've had my tablet since November, and had no problems till a few days ago. The battery was down, and I plugged in the tablet overnight to charge. Unplugged it, tried to turn it on. The three lights on the bottom of the screen blinked on and off, but the tablet wouldn't come on. I thought maybe it hadn't charged for some reason, and plugged it back in. A black battery appeared in the middle of the screen, with a red line on the bottom, as if the battery was empty. Also, the little red light above the "vizio" logo on top went on as it usually does when it's charging. I let it sit for many hours, unplugged, tried to start, and the same thing happened.
Help? All I did was plug it in. It has no history of charging problems, hasn't been dropped or damaged in any way.
Help? All I did was plug it in. It has no history of charging problems, hasn't been dropped or damaged in any way.