Torn Between Xperia Z Tablet and Nexus 7


Dec 28, 2013
I am looking to retire my iPad 2, and have decided to switch to an Android tablet since I'm just getting plain bored of Apple.

I am torn between the Xperia Z Tablet and the Nexus 7. I have $200 in gift cards to Best Buy so that is where I want to purchase my new tablet from, but none of the Best Buys in my state have the Xperia in stock. I was wondering if the Xperia is worth the extra $150 or so and also if it is worth the wait to have it shipped, or if the Nexus 7 (which I can go grab at Best Buy today) is just as good.

Any input would be greatly appreciated as I want my new tablet ASAP :)
I can't speak for the Xperia Z, but I've been very happy with my Nexus so far.:eek:
As I already have a 7-inch tablet, I would prefer the larger Xperia Z. The only con that I can see is that the screen is not as sharp as the cheaper Nexus 10. Also, as a former iOS user, are you prepared to accept fewer apps?