Unable to access inter sdcard after installing custom rom


Aug 28, 2012
Oh dear I'll start from the start.

i decided to root my device by using the zip file provided by Traveller here

I rooted and created a dump, then installed clockwork mod. i tried to install google play using a gapp from goo.im but to no avail. i thought that maybe the other zip file that traveller provides might help so i installed this with clockwork mod. Unfourtunatly this caused my coby to get stuck in a boot loop, stuck on the coby logo. I neglected to created a back up in clockwork(oops) so i used a rom made byvampire based on travellers rom dump found here

both roms restore my tablet to working but the tablet nolonger registers the internal sdcard so i cannot download files from the internet or play games that require additional downloads. it still recognises my external sd card under extsd though.

I have tried to restore my tablet using my dump and instructions herehttp://www.androidtablets.net/forum...750-how-restore-your-7042-8042-9742-dump.html

but it restores my tablet to the bootloop on coby logo

any help whould be appriciated

Thank you
First, I apologize for the zip file. I will get it updated as soon as possible and force users to copy the files manually since it seems the script within it doesn't work properly. Part of the problem however is that the zip you downloaded I believe includes my modified framework-res.apk. I had issues with copying that file over via Clockworkmod and ended up copying it manually, as per the Google Earth link in my signature.

I know that in my attempts to get my modified framework-res.apk onto my tablet I was stuck at the same point you are currently stuck at, with just the Android or Coby logos staring you in the face. However, restoring from a nandroid backup always got me back up and running. By the same token, using the dump to restore should have gotten you back up and running.

You need to use ADB and try pushing the stock framework-res.apk from your system dump to your /system directory, using the following commands:

adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/nandd /system/
adb shell rm /system/framework/framework-res.apk
adb push framework-res.apk /system/framework/
adb reboot

If you're back up and running after that point, go back into Clockworkmod and do a nandroid backup. If this doesn't work I can provide you with my nandroid backup of the stock ROM (without Google Apps) and from there you should be able to get back up to speed.

EDIT: Here's the nandroid backup of the stock ROM, in case you do need it.
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Thank you for your quick replay.

Im afraid that trying to push my framework-res.apk failed to work. I'm pleased to say that your nandroid back up works and it now registers my internal SD card. Unfoutunatly it only registers it as 1 Mb in size :(. Can I re partition it somehow?

Thank you
You didn't do a factory reset, likely because I didn't tell you to. Go back into Clockworkmod and do a factory reset, then reboot. If that doesn't work there are partition tools in Clockworkmod for MicroSD cards. However, I'm not sure how well they will work in this case.
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I'm sorry to say that I did factory reset before applying your rom. But I did it again just to be sure. No joy in afraid still reading available space as 1mb. As far as I'm aware the partition tools only effect the micro ad card and has a max of 4gb ( which is why my 8gb ad card is now a 4gb one (oops)). Is it possible for me to mount my micro sd as the "sd card" as apposed to the "extsd"?
I can't point you to the exact post, but there is a method of switching the two. It involves editing a file, vold.fstab I think.
Apparently all I need to do to switch the internal "sdcard" and external "extsd" is to edit the vold.fstab and change sdcard /mnt/sdcard to extsd /mnt/sdcard and change extsd /mnt/extsd to sdcard /mnt/extsd. This doen't work with my tablet all I get is it stuck at the unlock screen.

I'm currently trying gl to sd(gameloft to sd) which mounts my external sd card as a folder in my internal sd card, I'm currently installing and downloading the resources for xplane to se if it works :)
Pleased to report that GL to SD works fantastically I can now download items from the internet and external resources for apps :)
My 2 cents, I had this happen on my 7033 couldn't figure a solution until I remembered updating the su binaries so I re-rooted which installed the correct binaries and poof it popped right up.

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