Help, COBY Kyros MID8042 stuck on 'Android' logo


Nov 15, 2013
So, I have my MID8042 get stucking on 'Android' logo after 'wipe data/factory settings' in my stock recovery mode. Previously i install busybox application and i think it caused crash of firware, but i don't have at all my system dump. How can i restore it? I search at forum and get from post #152 link on 8042 dump, in archive i have 4 files - boot.img, bootloader.img, recovery.img and system.tgz. can i flash my tablet with it to repair? or i need to use my own original dump files and so i can throw my table to a garbage bucket already (( please help. i really need your help here. i guess i need get recovery and systemm files on my micro sd card, place it in my tablet, run stock recovery and choose "update from external sd". am i right?
Maybe someone can correct me here,

You cannot load the system. boot, and recovery files via stock recovery update. That requires a specially signed file by Coby and we don't have that. Hate to say it but it looks like your tablet is "bricked" maybe soft or hard but brick.

There is only one possible fix for your tablet. It is thru the use of livesuite recovery.

I would not suggest it if coby was still around, but they aren't and you have a tablet only livesuite can fix. Problem is, getting a matching image could be tough. Even if you get one, it may not match your 8042 exactly and you may wind up with a tablet with no touchscreen. (I've used a usb mouse on more than one tab). Depending on how much work you want to do, many problems can be fixed once you can boot.

There are a number of livesuite threads in the development archives (way back) you can read for more info.

Hopefully, someone will post a better solution for you.
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so i can try to download from that thread, rename it to and from sd card try to apply as update in stock recovery? but it's from another model.. ok, i try now

...Yeah!! I did it!!

-- Install /sdcard ...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
Installing update...
Install from sdcard complete.

reboot and android logo passed!!! thanx very much guys!!! so how can i do backup system dump and how to install CWM on it? i don't use livesuit anyway so i think all will be great! first of all, i need to do syste dump, please linkk me to instruction please :)
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i'm already rooted with unlockroot tool, so basically it was already rooted before all this android logo stuck problems. ok. i turned on USD debugging and i made dump via root & dump utility from 'READ FIRST' thread (post soon on forum), and i guess i can install custom recovery menu, so build number of mine is 20120417.165258 so i can not afraid about nand locking 'cause custom recovery and/or ROM. am i right? i want to set custom recovery and custom firmware with google play market, which are most stable for my tablet?
Use vampirefo's linux users (and adb) 8042 thread and you can skip the root. The gapps package you want is for ICS The link is in the first link i think-
I install CWM and install CM9 for 8024 but touch doesn't work, then i replace vendor folder with my original and have black screen after coby logo. As I understand i need to edit cm9_boot.img to add my kernel, but how do it correctly? i wrote in other thematical threads but doesn't get an answer yet.