Use of Nook Color Slideshow


Dec 24, 2010
I have loaded all my 2010 pictures onto the Nook under Myfiles/Pictures/2010. I then have separate folders for each event. When I go into any of these sub-folders the slideshow does not work. If I go into the Grid view it shows thumbnails of all the pictures in all the subfolders. I can choose one, then start the slideshow which works, but goes through all the pictures. Anyone know if it is possible to view a slideshow of just one folder?
Looks like the NC built-in gallery is a bit funky. Seems to aggregrate images from multiple locations.

I've gotten nice results with the stock Android Gallery. If you have an Android phone, you're probably familiar with how it looks.

If you're rooted and can sideload apps, here is a download link:

I noticed that pinch-zoom doesn't work by default. Also, I'd love a slideshow that shuffles, but haven't found that yet either!!! :mad:
