View Gallery photos offline?


Feb 16, 2015
I have several photos in 'Gallery' that I'd like to save to device and view offline.
I've researched for an answer but nothing helped.

How can I do that?
The Gallery doesn't actually contain the files you're looking at. They are stored elsewhere and Gallery is simply caching those as thumbnails. If those files are in the cloud somewhere it's because you are using some other app that syncs them with your tablet. In short, they should already be off-line, somewhere on your tablet.
Thank you for your reply.
I don't have any photo app besides the Gallery. "Somewhere on your tablet" = where should I look?
If they are photos you took with the tablet you should be able to use a file manager to find the originals. The should be in a folder named \DCIM
No, they are photos, stored in the Picasa website, that synced to Gallery. How can I get some of them saved to device?
You said you didn't have another photo app, but that's what Picassa is. Log into Picassa and download them.
I don't have a Picasa app on my tablet. it's the Picasa website I go to on my computer. Do you mean to download them, from there, to my computer -- then transfer them to the tablet with the cable?

Or can you recommend a good photo app, for the tablet, that would do that for me?
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You should be able to use a browser on your tablet to log into the Picassa account. Despite not having the app, you must have added it as an account. With that said, yes, you could download them to the PC then copy them to the tablet.
Thank you for your help -- and patience with me. I'll give that a try. :)
That worked! I didn't know you could download from the internet to a tablet -- cool! Thank you! :D