Viewpad 10 help


Mar 21, 2011
hi guys,

I just got a viewsonic Viewpad for my 17th birhtday.
but now when I start it on adriod 2.2 it won't connect to the wireless network at my home. What also is very strange that I read everywhere that it comes standart with android 1.6 but mine said from the beginning 2.2, there is also a debug mode but that doesn't do anything.
this is quiet anoying because I want to download some app's, but without a connection this is some quiet hard.
and when I am on the windows 7 on the pad, sometimes it disables the wifi and bleutooth connection. does anyone know what the reason might be and with what button or key combination I can turn it enable it?

oh just another question, when does honeycomb come out?
and does anyone know if Viewsonic will give their users a free update?
and if not is it still possible to install that?

and if I root my viewpad 10 will I lose the dual boot?
if not does anyone have a link in which is described what ROM'S I can use, and how to root the viewpad10

and last but not least,I want to buy a case for my viewpad, does anyone has a link to a website or store I can order one for my viewpad10

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I wish I could help but I do not have the Viewpad 10. I have the G-Tablet.

1. Currently I am not aware of any ROM's for the Viewpad 10 but I will do some research tonight for you. (Maybe I can find a few and make a sticky)
2. Did you try to do a reset?
3. Try to run an update and see if your issues get fixed. I have not seen any news on Honeycomb for Viewsonic yet.
4. I don't know if you will lose the dual boot. (again, I'll do some research tonight)
5. Find the dimentions to the Viewpad 10 and go from there. Some members use an iPad case for the G-Tablet. Might work for you as well.
5. If I can find some ROM's maybe I can figure out the procedures on how to root and keep your dual boot.

I'm at work now so give me 6-8 hours and hopefully I'll have some answers for you.
All I can find is what xaueious posted. I can find plenty results for the Viewpad 7, but nothing for the 10. SuperOneClick is what is used to root the Viewpad 7. Not sure if it would work on the 10.
yeah I looked as well on the internet to find some more information about rooting the viewpad 10 but as you already said much about the '7 and nothing about the '10.
and @ xaueious on the website of viewsonic they have posted android -×86 two but that's version 1.6, but I'm afraid to try it because I don't want to loose the dual-boot:(
thank you guys for giving some answers to my questions ;)
I've been fighting with the Viewtab 10 for a week not to get the wifi to work reliably. You won't get support from viewsonic, the viewtab is just a rebrand of a chinese manufactured tab ( I've seen the same tablet rebranded on the internet for China, Germany and Australia, all with different brand names on the same device. I proved this by opening the case and searching for the part numbers.

I also found a replacement 64GB half SATA SSD in China to replace the small 16GB that is not enough to install programs for Windows 7.

Try to update Android x86 nightly build here Android-x86 Nightly - Index of: home/viewpad10/

I was going to re-build Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) myself, but after syncing 2GB of the repo I read you need a 64 bit environment and suggested 12 GB RAM to build the .iso so I said forget it.

In short, viewsonic did not make this tablet so I don't expect anything from them anytime soon. I think we're lucky enough we got a viewsonic wall paper in windows 7.

I'm afraid to try it because I don't want to loose the dual-boot:(

You shouldn't lose the dual boot. GRUB will pop up telling you it found Windows on another partition.

Even if you overwrite the GRUB or create a windows MBR (creating an MBR might be done if you install WIndows from scratch) you could always reinstall GRUB. Just don't format the entire drive and you will be fine. Keep the android partition to ext3 and the windows partition to NTFS and you have nothing to worry about.
I just found also that on android x86 it says with 2.2 you cannot have ethernet and wifi turned on simultaneously.

Turn off ethernet and re-add your Wifi network manually (forget it first).

I just tried it and it works for me.

Note, i am also having all kinds of issues with the new releases so keep posting here so we all know what everyone is struggling with. it's good to know we don't all have unique problems
hi guys,

I just got a viewsonic Viewpad for my 17th birhtday.
but now when I start it on adriod 2.2 it won't connect to the wireless network at my home. What also is very strange that I read everywhere that it comes standart with android 1.6 but mine said from the beginning 2.2, there is also a debug mode but that doesn't do anything.
this is quiet anoying because I want to download some app's, but without a connection this is some quiet hard.
and when I am on the windows 7 on the pad, sometimes it disables the wifi and bleutooth connection. does anyone know what the reason might be and with what button or key combination I can turn it enable it?

oh just another question, when does honeycomb come out?
and does anyone know if Viewsonic will give their users a free update?
and if not is it still possible to install that?

and if I root my viewpad 10 will I lose the dual boot?
if not does anyone have a link in which is described what ROM'S I can use, and how to root the viewpad10

and last but not least,I want to buy a case for my viewpad, does anyone has a link to a website or store I can order one for my viewpad10


I hope you have sorted out the wifi issue on your viewsonic 10. You need to turn off ethernet as mentioned above and it will work fine. It has shell root already but i've not been able to get full root. Universal androot does not work, and z4 root will not install on it. Not tried superoneclick as i could not get adb working with usb cable. ADB wireless works fine.

I installed unofficial android2.2 using USB stick and linked it with grub for windows7/android 1.6. I can boot any of the 3 systems (windows7/android 1.6/android 2.2). It will not affect your dualboot. There appears to be no update for viewsonic 10. You can follow the work done on these sites (as mentioned above) for updates:
Downloads - android-x86 - An open source project to provide android support on x86 - Google Project Hosting
Android-x86 | Google Groups


at first my english is very bad because im from germany :) but i hope you can understand this:

if you still have the Problem with the WLAN, i might have a solution. On the viewpad in the upper right corner you have three led´s the first led is for WLAN the second and third for Power. When the first led is not blue you have to push the third button on the right side. The first button is for on/off/power saving the second is the desktop button and the third turns the WLAN on/off. And id like to ask if you sure that you have android 2.2? All viewpad´s 10 have 1.6 and win7 installed. I have ported 2.2 too the Viewpad 10 but i have many troubles with sound/wlan and other problems. And by the way when the Software on the viewpad makes trouble/crashed, you can still recover with the Android CD from the viewsonic Homepage it contains Android 1.6 and the bootloader GRUB (very important) and after install that you can install windows again :). When you have trouble with your viewpad try to contact the german support team they have helped me with all my troubles :).
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1. XDA Developers have a few ROMS ready for Viewsonic including TnT and TnT Lite and Cyangen Beta plus a few more.
2. I think the question of wifi/Ethernet has been answered
3. Google has not released an OTA release date for Honeycomb but several new Tablets are coming out with Honeycomb OS
4. z4Root works well on G-Tab and it is an apk so you install it as you would any other app. Universal Root also works too.
5. Amazon sells a case with a usb keyboard that is pretty sweet for the Superpad which will fit the G-Tab. I use velcro to keep it in place but so far it works great and it is very convenient to have a case with a keyboard.
I've been fighting with the Viewtab 10 for a week not to get the wifi to work reliably. You won't get support from viewsonic, the viewtab is just a rebrand of a chinese manufactured tab ( I've seen the same tablet rebranded on the internet for China, Germany and Australia, all with different brand names on the same device. I proved this by opening the case and searching for the part numbers.

I also found a replacement 64GB half SATA SSD in China to replace the small 16GB that is not enough to install programs for Windows 7.

Try to update Android x86 nightly build here Android-x86 Nightly - Index of: home/viewpad10/

I was going to re-build Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) myself, but after syncing 2GB of the repo I read you need a 64 bit environment and suggested 12 GB RAM to build the .iso so I said forget it.

In short, viewsonic did not make this tablet so I don't expect anything from them anytime soon. I think we're lucky enough we got a viewsonic wall paper in windows 7.


Thanks Dylan, upgrading the 16GB SSD is a great achievment. After updating Windows 7 and even when I install any additional programs to the external 32GB memory card it seems that the remaining memory drops below 1 GB. Can you give the details of the Chinese supplier for the 64GB half SATA SSD? Did you have any difficulties opening the case of the viewpad 10 and installing the new SATA drive?

Thanks Chris
i read that the most the viewpad can handle is 32 GB. look at ************** for the 32 GB. no, i did not have troubles opening the case. just do it slowly and carefully. since then i have wiped my win 7 partition and installed ubuntu 11.04. the speakers work in 11.04.
I'm glad to find this forum. My Viewpad 10 is ported to 2.2 and everything works fine. However, I'm looking for the way to set up my Google account so that I can sync my calendar, email and address, etc. I found the sync tool in the list of app manager but I can not access the function. There is no icon for this function. Is there anyone who can help me? Thnaks in advance.