what does hacking do?


Dec 22, 2010
alright so my bf just bought me a pandigital for christmas so i wont be able to get it till then. but i went with him to buy it. its the black one...
i have done a lot of research on these devices but a lot still confuses me...
i heard u can hack the pandigital...
what exactly does that due?
is there a chance my pandigital will get ruined if done wrong?
how hard is it to do?
if anyone has any info they would like to share id appreciate it so very much
thank you
Hacking your toys always comes with the risk of breaking them. Don't do it if you aren't ready to accept the consequences.
The plus side of hacking is added functionality, added features, and sometimes improved performance as well!

A good way to start is simply finding the places where people have devices like yours and read the forums on what's being done.
Most people that are hacking/modding stuff want to share what they are doing, so you will most times get great details about what's being done.
At that point it's just a matter of determining what you would like to do and going about it! :)
And why do we hack these things =)

As it is fun =) and we can make devices do things they were not initially designed which is a lot of fun.

After the Preston Hack, my black has changed for the better.

I can now view the Dictionary at any time (there was no button for it before). The pages turn faster. The settings are easier. I can download games and software compatible with Android 1.5 (cupcake). There is also a PDF viewer available that allows me to zoom in on tiny tiny text (original wouldn't do that). There is a home screen where I can keep the programs that I access most. If you slide, there's a screen on either side - that's where I keep Entertainment or Utility software. There's a simple program for keeping notes. There's news widgets. The old reader is still there, but I hardly use it.

One thing: Finding the hack was an impossible chore! I went to site after site that said "Click here for the hack" and once I clicked it, it would take me to another site where I had to read through pages and pages of gripes, ideas, opinion, and editorials. Somewhere in all of that, it would say the hack is "Here". I'd click, and it would take me to a hack for the White model. I'd click and find more pages of editorials. I'd click and find ads. I'd click...and it would take me to the Pandigital website. Argh! The Android Platform on the website doesn't do anything. I've tried repeatedly. I friended people on Facebook begging them for the hack because they were "experts". Nothing. Eventually, I pleaded in public for the hack, and someone who wasn't an expert eventually sent it to me. It's just over 50 megabytes, just so you know.

I wonder why Pandigital wouldn't just include this with the model. It's limited, the way it ships. The hack opens doors and possibilities.
So why dont you post a link to the file. I am shure that if you contact a Admin, they can tell you a site to host the file on..
As I for one would like the Preston hack. I am shure there are ppl here who would want it Aswell.

After the Preston Hack, my black has changed for the better.

I can now view the Dictionary at any time (there was no button for it before). The pages turn faster. The settings are easier. I can download games and software compatible with Android 1.5 (cupcake). There is also a PDF viewer available that allows me to zoom in on tiny tiny text (original wouldn't do that). There is a home screen where I can keep the programs that I access most. If you slide, there's a screen on either side - that's where I keep Entertainment or Utility software. There's a simple program for keeping notes. There's news widgets. The old reader is still there, but I hardly use it.

One thing: Finding the hack was an impossible chore! I went to site after site that said "Click here for the hack" and once I clicked it, it would take me to another site where I had to read through pages and pages of gripes, ideas, opinion, and editorials. Somewhere in all of that, it would say the hack is "Here". I'd click, and it would take me to a hack for the White model. I'd click and find more pages of editorials. I'd click and find ads. I'd click...and it would take me to the Pandigital website. Argh! The Android Platform on the website doesn't do anything. I've tried repeatedly. I friended people on Facebook begging them for the hack because they were "experts". Nothing. Eventually, I pleaded in public for the hack, and someone who wasn't an expert eventually sent it to me. It's just over 50 megabytes, just so you know.

I wonder why Pandigital wouldn't just include this with the model. It's limited, the way it ships. The hack opens doors and possibilities.