won't set up to Internet aUTHENICATION PROBLEM


Junior Member
May 11, 2014

I was wandering if i anyone can give me some advice on setting Acer Iconia b1 to the internet . I have been give the tablet for my birthday and have spent all day trying to sort it . always come up authenication problem . I CAN not do anything with it . I have reset to factory setting to see it i can locate something with my Router . BUT I'M HAVING NO LOOK AT ALL . It i have entered the Pin but still comes up the same . Its really stressing me out . All i want to do is use my Birthday present . It ask for a password but still somes athenication problem . I'm really stumped what to do now .

Thanc .
Welcome to the forum, Athena1974

I'm not certain when you said reset if it was your tablet or the router. I'm pretty certain the router is the cause of your problem. If you follow the link in my signature below it will ultimately tale you to a page on help with WiFi issues. I would start with a unplugging the router for 5 minutes and when it comes back up try again. The authentication problem is usually associated with the type of security you are using. It should be asking (not for a PIN) for the password you set for the WiFi configuration in the router. But you may need to change the type of security.

Thank you for you advice , When i try at set up Automatic Athentication problem . When i try to put a password in it is followed by the same problem I have reset to default setting on the tablet . I have turned theTablet of and gone back to it but still have this problem . When i tried to set wi fi automatically . it says not avaible try later which i have been doing i have a strong signal in a few but the problem still happens . i also have no IP setting . I WILL TRY WHAT YOU HAVE RECOMMENDED AND SEE IF THAT WORKS.

Just wanted to say THANK YOU for your help and advice . My tablet is now all set up and running . NO PROBLEMS SINCE

THANK YOU AGAIN . I really greatful .

Hi Athena, congratulations on your new Iconia B1 and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets, and glad to hear everything's working properly now.:eek: If you need any additional help with that tablet, just click this link and ask Acer Iconia B1.