Working bluetooth GPS signal FROM PHONE


Dec 3, 2010
Requirements: Archos gen8 tablet with built in Bluetooth GPS feature.
Android powered smartphone
"Bluetooth GPS Output" from the Android market (Developer Meowsbox) installed on your phone.
-free version lasts 10 minutes
-paid version costs $1.57?

Step 1: Bluetooth Pair your phone and Archos tablet (I have the Archos 70 250 gb)
Step 2: Open Bluetooth GPS out on your phone,and turn it on, you should see a screen showing satellite info
Step 3: Archos Settings/Location and Security/Bluetooth GPS, then select my paired phone. If that is grayed out, try opening up the app on your phone before actually pairing your Archos with your phone.
Step 4: Open up maps and enjoy the Navigation!

I've got it tethered wifi, too, so I've got Bluetooth GPS and data, its like a 7 inch Garmin or TomTom!

Sent from my A70H using Android Tablet Forum
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There are numerous apps for receiving a Bluetooth GPS signal on the market, but this is the first I've seen that does he opposite. There might be others, and if you know of any, please share!

Its cool that Archos included a Bluetooth GPS receive function built-in!

Sent from my A70H using Android Tablet Forum