Android 3.2 update?

Just got this update yesterday and it kinda freaked me out. At first it would not load my home screen (black screen with only bar on bottom). I then shut it off and turned it back on. It then had the lock screen but then again no home screen. So I tried turning the tablet 180 degrees, then it launched my home screens. Once able to use the tablet again, thank God, the only thing I noticed was the ability to zoom apps. there wasn't anything else that I noticed that had changed.
Just got it this morning. No issues with installation.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
I got it the sec I turned on the Xoom I bought on Weds.. I don't know what the differences are.. Never used 3.1 Its supposed to be faster. Enabled the SD card slot on the Xoom.. No problems.. Its fast.. :)
Did its just update automatically without intervention? I left my tablet home powered on and connected to the internet. Although earlier I push the check updates and did not found anything.
Just wanted to update my update thread.......

Both of our TF 101s updated last night. So far very snappy and smooth. Not wild about the new cursor with the track pad. Guess it will grow on me though.
I looked at the transformer.. Didn't really do much for me.. Didn't like the style and the copper look. Didn't like the feel of the back.. Xoom is sweet..
I looked at the transformer.. Didn't really do much for me.. Didn't like the style and the copper look. Didn't like the feel of the back.. Xoom is sweet..

Hey, thanks for that. Don't know what it has to do with the thread, so perhaps you should go on back to the Xoom forum and continue to post how much you like the Xoom there, as your stated reasons aren't likely going to convince TF owners to go running back to the store to exchange tabs.
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Back on track, got 3.2 on my Transformer yesterday. Still can't get netflix to work but it's working great so far.
Some people are reporting minor issues with the update in other forums including:

Loss of SD card and USB drive navigation from within the Gallery and Music apps.

Not a lot of fans of the new circular cursor.

Broken dock & broswer search key.

Many have had mixed success in resolving some of these by simply undocking and redocking, rebooting, or even going to the extreme of factory resets. Not much you can do about the cursor after upgrading, and its still pretty much confirmed that while you can get Netflix from market,it still doesn't work on the TF (unless you root & install a hacked version). gl

Sent from my SPH-P100
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Sounds like they still need to fix stuff.. Can you tether your tab to your phone and text like on your phone?
Just downloaded and installed 3.2 on my Transformer. I don't like the round cursor but no dock issues so far and it reads both a micro SD and the standard SD in the dock with no issues.
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Just downloaded and installed 3.2 on my Transformer. I don't like the round cursor but no dock issues so far and it reads both a micro SD and the standard SD in the dock with no issues.

Good news, but note that the reported issue was being able to read SD card or storage device (USB HDD or flash drive) from WITHIN the Gallery and Music apps. Normal file navigation using your file navigation app of choice was reported to be ok. If anyone is having that issue, please report it. I am holding off from installing the update until I see that the Gallery and Music apps were not broken by the update as I rely on external and flash storage for multimedia files when travelling.