Synrgic Dreambook W7

Long time no read from you! Let's hope all small-but-annoying issues will be gone on next update.
I won't even ask where you do get "privileged" information, but do you know if there's any chance of getting an unlocked bootloader from Synrgic, or perhaps a source code used?

Hi Felipe :)

I can ask if anyone would be willing to work on it.
Interesting, I will ask about it and find out. Seems it is 2.3 for HD105 but possibly early beta release...
Whether installation of this firmware on HD104 is possible?
When will make firmware android 2.3 on HD104?
I thank!
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Whether installation of this firmware on HD104 is possible?
When will make firmware android 2.3 on HD104?
I thank!

We was told it will be 1-2 weeks approximately for official release which should be for hd104/105.
I had such high hopes for this device.. Iam glad my original W7 purchase got cancelled... If anyone is still looking for a 7" tablet right now you have two options... The Acer Iconia A100 goes for about $350... although no 3G.. the other 7" with very similar specs to the Dreambook W7 is the Magictab M1, the M1 has a better processor that can run higher versions of Android OS past 2.2/2.3..

I am still really happy with the Dreambook, gives me real much bang for the buck I must say.
-Lightning fast for web-browsing (using Opera Mobile)
-Real good UMTS/3G, my girfriend surf the web and watches Youtube videos when I am driving with my car in remote areas.
-Phone works with excelent sound in my bluetooth headset.
-Music and moves also works real good with mobo-player installed
-Send/Recive SMS works fine
-GPS navigation works fine both with google maps and with Navigon (Street navigation with maps of 42 countries on the flash-card, speed is double but does not really affect the navigation)
-Long battery life
-Multitouch capacitive screen is really nice and responsive.

-Added at protective cover and a car charger (for navigation and movies in the car), I will aslo get a car holder.

And now 2.3 in in the pipe, sounds real good, I hope som bugs are removed at the same time as the GSP 2*speed, this much be super simple to fix in the firmware.
Well said Dreambook.

I too am happy with mine although it has taken me some time to learn how to use it as I had no experience of Android software.

I have found email and web browsing very useful when away from home. To have both Wifi and 3g is great. I changed phone companies after 1 month due to poor coverage with the first company. As I previously posted the fm radio works well for me, the phone and text messaging. The current issues with street navigation and speed don't affect me as I feel that a tablet is too large to put on the windscreen and block vision. For this reason I will stay with a separate GPS navigator.

I like the capacitive screen and the whole look and feel of the Dreambook. As I add more applications and learn more uses of it I will probably appreciate it more but at present it is doing what I purchased it for and at about half the price of comparable units.
I am still really happy with the Dreambook, gives me real much bang for the buck I must say.
-Lightning fast for web-browsing (using Opera Mobile)
-Real good UMTS/3G, my girfriend surf the web and watches Youtube videos when I am driving with my car in remote areas.
-Phone works with excelent sound in my bluetooth headset.
-Music and moves also works real good with mobo-player installed
-Send/Recive SMS works fine
-GPS navigation works fine both with google maps and with Navigon (Street navigation with maps of 42 countries on the flash-card, speed is double but does not really affect the navigation)
-Long battery life
-Multitouch capacitive screen is really nice and responsive.

-Added at protective cover and a car charger (for navigation and movies in the car), I will aslo get a car holder.

And now 2.3 in in the pipe, sounds real good, I hope som bugs are removed at the same time as the GSP 2*speed, this much be super simple to fix in the firmware.

I agree also, well said by dreambook.

Everyone always looks at the negative and to criticise the chinese android tablets for one reason or another but when you pay around £600 for an iphone/ipad..they too also can have problems and lack of certain features that are available on android tablets. There will never be a gadget that has everything as technology evolves so quick..its all about what the end users requirements are out of the product in question.

We speak with synrgic quite often regarding some of the issues that require resolving and what they like to point out is the GOOD features of the tablet and about the things it can do and do well! Other than the great build of the tablet and high resolution screen, Dreambook has highlighted alot of other good things.

That does not mean its perfect or that these problems should not be resolved soon but with the hope of android 2.3 coming soon, we should see some great improvements.

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As I said before, it's a great hardware, although in my own comparison with a Motorola Milestone, the screen is less responsive (I believe it's a hardware issue, but I can live with that). Movies play nice, which is also a good thing.

But, for me:
- Not a few times 3G just refused to work when I needed it.
- A-GPS does not work.
- Radio does not work (but I can live with this).
- Update cannot happen from SD card, only internal memory. If something goes wrong, you need to use MFG tool. If one has other system than Windows (I use Linux), not much can be done to recover the tablet.
- Battery does not last this long (1-1/2 day is the most I can get, even turning 3G off most of time). Using a clock polling software, I learned that it works at 800 Mhz almost full time.
- At times, phone signal just disappears. My work phone has same operator, and sometimes my Dreambook shows no connection, an the other phone (a Blackberry) shows almost full signal.

All these seem to be software issues and if they get resolved, I'll praise Synrgic (even more if they release a bug-free-also-very-fast version of Android 3.0 in the next few months! :)). But right now, I need to say that my tablet cannot be used for serious work.
- Not a few times 3G just refused to work when I needed it.

Happens sometimes for me when the Dreambook finds a Wifi hotspots that it tries to connect to it and after that does the 3G refuse to work.

If I select WiFi = Off then 3G wolks without problems all day long.

I then only switch on WiFi when at home or where I know I have a open WiFi hotspot that works.

Aand yepp .... it has some things to sort out.
I hope some kind soul is going to write a guide on using this 2.2 to 2.3 update. I have downloaded it, extracted the files and read the documentation.

Pity it requires Windows. I mainly use Ubuntu but I do have one pc that is dual boot and has Windows 7 on it.
I have HD105, but after read the documentations im wating for sd card version. Is very hard installations of update. If any people install, plz make a easy guide.