USB to Charger?


Aug 26, 2011
Has anyone found a USB to the 7022 charger cord. I noticed that the charger is 5 v and thats what usb uses so it sould work without question. I have a powercore(900 mamp back up) and it has a usb port only so it would be nice to be able to use that. So if anyone has found a usb to charger cord that would be awesome to share that info.
Has anyone found a USB to the 7022 charger cord. I noticed that the charger is 5 v and thats what usb uses so it sould work without question. I have a powercore(900 mamp back up) and it has a usb port only so it would be nice to be able to use that. So if anyone has found a usb to charger cord that would be awesome to share that info.
Sadly the Coby Kyros 7022 does not charge with USB.
No no no, a usb male on one side and the other is the charger plug, like i said we only need 5 volts so it should be possible...

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It does help to the fact that now we know its possible, but I feal that someone isselling it somewhere...I'm going to start looking for one, I hope others will do the same and share the findings...

Sent from my MID7022 using Android Tablet Forum
No no no, a usb male on one side and the other is the charger plug, like i said we only need 5 volts so it should be possible...

Sent from my MID7022 using Android Tablet Forum

Oh sorry I thought you meant a mini usb wall charger sorry about that

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Type in " usb 5v dc 3.5 " on ebay. Appear to be many if you decide to use that route. Some have longer and shorter cable lengths. The cheapest (99cents free shipping) appears to be 10cm's in length. I went for the one that has the 60cm(23") cord length (.99 + .99 shipping...$1.98). I ended up ordering two, one for the house one for the car. I will provide feedback on how they work when I receive them.
I typed that in and im getting a barrel connector and it looks thicker then we need, I wonder though
Im seeing 3mm thick 1cm long, mybe ill try to go to radio shack tomorrow,they might have something

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Here is a post I made in the thread about car chargers:

Thanks for the tip about the Coby 8024 using the same tip as the Kindle 1. I have a 7022 and wanted to be able to charge it via USB. A Web search turned up a reference to the Kindle 1 charger being the same as the Palm Zire charger. So I took a chance and ordered the PALM TUNGSTEN E Zire 31 72 USB HOTSYNC Charger Cable from eBay. It contains two cables in one, a USB-to-power cable and a USB-to-mini USB cable. I have been using it to successfully charge my 7022 by plugging it into any powered USB port. As a plus, I can use the same cable to transfer files between my laptop and my 7022.

I'm sure it takes longer to charge the 7022 via USB, but it means that I don't have to carry the bulky AC charger when I travel. And I can get cheap replacements. It would make sense that any charger (USB, auto, or AC) for the Kindle 1 or the Palm Zire should work for the 7022. No guarantees, but if you don't want to have to make a cable, it might be worth a try.

I can report that I have been using the Palm Zire USB cable that I got from eBay to charge my Coby 7022 for the past few months and it has worked well for me so far.
Thank you for shareing your find

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