An aluminium alloy shell android tablet released ???


Jun 22, 2010
I ordered one from 10days ago price was $199 when I receive it running well with rockchip2808.Now they released a aluminium alloy shell and the sells person mail me that they adjust the plastic shell's price to $ 189:eek:.:eek::eek:
so I will let you know about this information.If anyone order one please let us know your report of this aluminium alloy shell one, thanks.
:( lost $10 but they give me an android toy for free


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more pictures hereAndroid Tablet PC is the next-gen portable device.
seems like beautiful mods also reported on the aluminum version. They have a blog post on their site (in english) which explains some of the changes and they also have a video (in chinese) which shows the new device.

HiApad Apad iRobot M Metallic Tablet Unboxing, Mandarin | HiApad ???

It looks like the one HiApad has comes with a USB charger as well -- shown in the video.

HiApad said:
This is the new Apad iRobot M, which is the Apad iRobot with an aluminum alloy. The logo that you see on the back is made of plastic, where the wifi antenna is now placed to maintain good wifi reception despite the addition of the metallic casing.
This is the device with the standard factory packaging. Those of you with Apad iRobots may not have gotten the same accessories in the box. It includes: DC power adapter, two types of USB connector wires, and a USB charger.
So I have this device (from ****************) and while it looks great there are a few issues:

1 - there appear to be no upgrade path to take the OS from Android 1.5 to Android 2.1
2 - mini USB ports do not seem to work
3 - many of the icons appear in Chinese (or some similar Asian language that I don't understand)

My unit is the same as the one posted at the Android Tablet PC link and has:

- 9v charger
- red charging LED (not the blue one that HiApad sells and supports)
- Model number - sdkDemo
- Firmware version - 1.5
- Kernel version - 2.6.25
- Rockchip version 1.2.7 (ruigan)
- Build number: RK-1.3.2.eng.root.20100706.141140

Standard web-browsing all works fine but it would be nice if all the other things like Market, gmail, etc., ... worked so if anybody knows of a firmware upgrade patch I can flash with then please let me know - it will be very VERY much appreciated ;o)

Cheers ;o)
I got one of these!

I got it cheap off ebay, a young lad had it but bust the charger.
it came with no usb adaptors :( just tablet and charger.

well for £45 what do you expect?

I fixed charger :)
works great, and that alloy back makes it strong!

Mine runs 1.5
market works well.
not been on youtube yet.
browser works well.
screen is good for finger use, although i use a phone stylus.
the screen is much more responsive than my Acer aspire one netbook with touch screen and also better than my Iphone 3 copy.

I like it very much and is pretty quick, even better now Im using app killer 2.0

has 4G ROM, unknown ram.
has the red led when charging.
has a 5 volt 2amp charger, although I have charged it off a usb port, NOT via the mini usb port!
usb to the charge socket, took 8 hours to charge but it did it, but now i fixed the charger so it ok now
If you repack the kernel with lowmemkiller.ko I provided elsewhere, the ROM works well without app killer.

get the boot.img off

just make sure you don't flash my ROM
It seems most of the aluminum tablets run on Android 1.5. I don't find that really appealing. Plus wouldn't aluminum turn out to be heavier?
Aluminum is heavier. There also needs to be a cutout for wifi to work properly. People just like the aesthetics.
If you repack the kernel with lowmemkiller.ko I provided elsewhere, the ROM works well without app killer.

get the boot.img off

just make sure you don't flash my ROM

Didnt follow that :(

im new to modding software and that.
my specialty in our company is cabling....

i can use a pc and bits of photoshop etc....
but android is all new to me....
Hi just got one of the aluminum ones yesterday, got it at Amazon, so far so good, I did notice it has Android 1.5, hope there is a way to upgrade it to latest Android